[Tutor] Adding numbers within a string

D.V.N.Sarma డి.వి.ఎన్.శర్మ dvnsarma at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 12:50:59 EDT 2016

def string_sum(s):
      total = 0
      items = s.split(" ")
      for item in items:
           total += int(item)

You can call the function as

string_sum("10 4 5 ")

Output will be 19.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 3:22 PM, hell gates <hellgatez1 at yandex.com> wrote:
>    You can write your own str.split or just use while loop.
>    12.10.2016, 15:12, "LQ Soh" <sohlq710 at gmail.com>:
>      To whom it may concern,
>      Can someone enlighten me as to how you can create a function such
>      that sum_numbers('10 5 8'), when run, will give an answer of 23, without
>      using str.split() and using a for loop
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