[Tutor] using python shell program on windows

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Fri Oct 14 09:15:40 EDT 2016

mpreisig . wrote:

> how can i use this program on windows:
> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/timesheet/0.9.2
> - in a python shell?
> - in a windows cmd shell?
> - using cygwin or something similar?

Did you follow the instructions on the page you linked to? 

"timesheet" is a script, so once it's installed you can either run it from 
the windows cmd shell or cygwin's bash. The latter has the advantage that it 
supports bash completion if you follow the instructions on the above page, 
i. e. when you type

$ timesheet su

and hit TAB the shell will turn that into

$ timesheet subject 

[If you run into problems you are welcome to come back with specific 

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