[Tutor] Python 3.5.2 Installaton Question

Raghunadh raghunadhprasad at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 15:37:06 EDT 2016

Hi Niraj,

Try virtual environments in python.
More helpful to deal with multiple versions.


On October 21, 2016, at 12:10 PM, niraj pandey <nirajkumarpandey at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi ,

In Linux I have multiple version of python on separate location and so far
I do not see any issue .
So I think you can also install multiple version of python on your window
system as well. You may just need to provide separate installation
directory path to install it on another location without overwrite the
previous version.


On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 7:38 AM, Viraja Chandrashekhar Khatu <vkhatu at uwo.ca>

> Hello,
> I have a quick question about installing Python 3.5.2 on my Windows 7
> laptop.
> I already have Python 2.7.1 installed on my laptop. However, I now wish to
> switch to Python 3.5.2, which is the latest release. My question is:
> Do I have to completely uninstall Python 2.7.1 and then install Python
> 3.5.2? Or can I still install Python 3.5.2 keeping Python 2.7.1 untouched
> on my laptop? Even if the second option would work, what is recommended to
> be done so that both versions do not show any kind of interference while
> programming in Python?
> Kindly confirm at your earliest.
> Thanks and Regards
> Viraja Khatu
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