[Tutor] Python v3 Tkinter GUI program
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 24 19:27:25 EDT 2016
On 24/10/16 22:36, Elliott Andrews wrote:
> Sorry is this sounds really broad, and I am happy to clarify and points.
Sorry I just noticed another point that I can't overlook.
You have code/comment:
root = Tk() #The actual statment which opens the window,
toplevel = root.winfo_toplevel() #Setting window header
# to attach to top of screen (first half of
# making window maximised)
This is not how best to maximise a window.
First you should find that toplevel is the same as root.
toplevel == root is True.
So instead of:
toplevel.wm_state('zoomed') #Setting inner window to stretch
You should be able to do
Although you don't strictly need the wm_ prefix since Tkinter
provides the state() shortcut:
Except that doesn't work for me and I get an error
about 'zoomed' being an invalid choice. The more usual
way is to set the geometry to the screen size:
top = Tk()
top.withdraw() # hide the window
sh = top.winfo_screenheight()
sw = top.winfo_screenwidth()
top.geometry("%sx%s" % (sw,sh)) # resize it to full screen
top.deiconify() # show the resized window
[The hide/show sequence is because if the window layout
is complex it will be redrawn much more quickly and without
any flickering if you hide/show.]
Finally, be aware that maximising a window is considered
bad practice in modern GUI design for two reasons:
1) Modern OS allow users to multi-task and grabbing the
whole screen to yourself is a bit greedy and makes it very
annoying to the user. I have a 32 inch monitor precisely
because I want to see (say) my browser, email and
spreadsheet all at the same time!
2) Given that screens can range widely in size it is
almost impossible to guarantee that your widget layouts
and fonts will be usable on every screen. (compare a
1024x768 netbook display with a 4096x2160 4K video monitor)
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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