[Tutor] Basic telnet question

Phil phil_lor at bigpond.com
Sat Sep 24 05:21:54 EDT 2016

Thank you for reading this.

If I enter the following at the prompt:

$ telnet localhost 7356

The client then responds with:

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

I'd like to do the same from Python. My code is as follows:

import telnetlib

tn = telnetlib.Telnet("", 7356)

Then, once a connection is established send the character "f"

tn.write("f" + "\n")

The problem is that the client is not responding, certainly not as 
expected. There aren't any Python errors either, however, the console is 
blocked until the client is disabled. If I then attempt a connection 
with the disabled client a Python connection refused error is displayed, 
as I would expect.

I have read the telnetlib document and searched for examples but I seem 
to be stuck on a very basic problem.

By the way, I'm using Python 3.5 under Linux.


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