[Tutor] Problems using .lower()

Jonathan Curtis jonathancurtis at aggiemail.usu.edu
Fri Sep 23 14:19:04 EDT 2016


I am trying to complete an assignment for school and having problems
getting it to work.  I have lists named l_one and and l_two they both have
a combination of integers and strings.  I am supposed to combined the lists
into a l_three and have no duplicate numbers and strings.  Both lists have
the number 2 and l_one has cat while l_two has Cat.  I am having a problem
being able to get Cat to cat so that it recognizes the duplicate.  Pleas
advise me in this problem.  Let me know how you would do it so that I can
compare it to what I have been trying to do.  Thanks for your time and help.

Jonathan Curtis

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