[Tutor] CSR generation script

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Sep 26 14:33:46 EDT 2016

On 23/09/16 23:12, Srinivas Naga Kotaru (skotaru) wrote:
> I am using pyOpenSSL module to automate CSR generation. 

Don't assume we know what that means.
I know what pyOpenSSL is, but have no idea what CSR means
to you. (To me it means Customer Service Representative!)

> Not much self-explanatory documentation available 
> except few blog posts which cover this topic.

Which topic in particular?
SSL? OpenSSL? pyOpenSSL? CSR?

> Can anyone write a script on this topic?

Again, which topic?
Once we know that the answer is "probably"...

But probably more usefully, what can we do to enable you
to write such a script?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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