[Tutor] Google is not your friend (was: NumPy and SciPy)

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Tue Sep 27 20:25:27 EDT 2016

Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at python.org> writes:

> I'm not sure if they are up to 3.5 yet or not but the easiest way is
> just to grab a full distro such as Anaconda or Canopy. Google is your
> friend.

I do wish that meme would die. Google is many things, but it is *not*
your friend. Corporations are not friends of anyone.

In particular, Google is not your friend even when you use their search
So, Google may be useful, but let's stop telling people it's a friend.

 \       “The great thing about science is we can test our ideas.… But |
  `\   until we do, until we have data, it is just one more proposal.” |
_o__)                                     —Darren Saunders, 2015-12-02 |
Ben Finney

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