[Tutor] python help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 13 13:18:35 EDT 2017

On 13/04/17 15:33, Christina Hammer wrote:

> I downloaded the newest version of Python on my windows computer and am
> having some trouble using it. I need to save my work because I am using it
> for an online class and am going to have to send it to my professor. But I
> cannot access a tool bar that would allow me to save it. I'm not sure if
> someone can help me with this.

Python is a programming language interpreter, and as such it
does not have a GUI. Instead you create your programs using
a separate program, usually a text editor like Notepad,
or sometjhing more powerful. From there you save the program
as a file ending with .py.

On Windows you can then get Python to execute that file by either
1) Double clicking in Windows explorer (but this often results
in the program starting, running and closing so quickly you
can't see what it did*)
2) Start a command console (CMD.EXE) and type

C:\WINDOWS> python myprogram.py

(*)You can force the program to pause by adding a line
input("Hit ENTER to continue")
in your code.

Most Python downloads simplify this process by including a
development tool called IDLE and you should have an entry
for that in your menus. IDLE presents a GUI into which
you can enter python commands or open a new edit window
to type your code. You can then save that as before. But
IDLE also includes menus for running your code from within
IDLE. If you search on YouTube you will find several short
tutorial videos showing how to get started with IDLE.

Here is one specifically for Windows...


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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