[Tutor] How do we create a GUI to run a simple calculation program in Python?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Apr 15 04:04:44 EDT 2017

On 15/04/17 03:38, Alex Kleider wrote:

>> Whatever he does he will need to separate his UI from his
>> logic - a good programming skill regardless of UI.
> Can anyone suggest a good tutorial that explains exactly what this means 
> and how to achieve it?
> (separate UI from logic I mean.)

I don't know of a tutorial as such but the principles are enshrined
in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and there are lots
of articles and tutorials on that. One caveat is that there are
almost as many variations on MVC as there are articles so you can expect
some contradiction in the details. That's ok, just focus
on the big ideas.

At the most basic just do as I suggested in the post. Identify the
functions that do the work(the logic) and make sure they take all
of their input via parameters and deliver a result back to the
caller with no UI (eg input() or print()) statements inside
the function.

Then write the code that interacts with the user as a separate
function which calls the logic functions as needed. You should
be able to put the core functions into a separate module and
import that into the UI module/main program. That's quite a
good check that you have made your logic reusable.

This is good practice for all programming projects but its
essential for GUI and Web projects.

Finally, if you can find a copy of my recent book "Python Projects"
there is a rolling project within that which demonstrates how
the same logic code can be used to build a CLI, a GUI and a
Web app. [ In fact it goes even further by demonstrating how
to break an app into 3 tiers - data, logic and UI - which
is industry best practice, but usually overkill for small

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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