[Tutor] The results of your email commands

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 3 12:21:24 EDT 2017

On 03/08/17 11:05, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer wrote:
> me i cooked up :...

Yes that works too, especially if you don;t need access
to the individual prices later.

There are a couple of things to make it more Pythonic...

> x = True
> sum = 0
> while (x==True):
>     a = input("input:")
>     if a =="exit":
>         x=False

You could replace that with

sum = 0
while True:
     a = input("input:")
     if a =="exit":
         break    # exit the loop


>     try:
>         sum += float(a)
>     except:
>         pass

That's a risky strategy because if there is
any error other than the one you anticipate
then you will never know about it and
ignore it. You should always try to specify
the error(s) if possible:

   sum += float(a)
except ValueError, TypeError:

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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