[Tutor] Object takes no parameters

Howard Lawrence 1019shaun at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 20:08:47 EDT 2017

class Human:
     def _init_(self, n, o)
          self.name = n
          self.occupation = o

     def do_work(self):
         if self.occupation== 'tennis player':
            print(self.name, 'plays tennis')

         elif self.occupation == 'actor':
            print(self.name, 'shoots film')

     def speaks(self):
         print(self.name, 'how are you')

tom = Human('tom cruise', 'actor')

Traceback most recent call last
File "c:\users\shaun\python\python35\human_class.py"line 16 in module
tom =Human('tom cruise', 'actor')
TypeError: object() takes no parameters

how to fix this?why it happens?
this happens whenever i try to do
class,this is from a tutorial

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