[Tutor] Problem python script

William Ray Wing wrw at mac.com
Tue Dec 19 16:09:43 EST 2017

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 19, 2017, at 3:47 AM, Antoan Hristov <hristovantoan1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using a script which extracts data from internet every Monday, but
> sometimes I have a problem that the script is not finishing properly. In
> terminal I stop it with Ctrl-C and the message it gives me is:
> File "castorama.py", line 255, in main
>    p.map(get_all_data,magasins)

As Alan has said, knowing what is going on when the error was triggered by the ^C is difficult to impossible. 
What you may have to do is insert a fair number of “progress” statements that are all directed to a log file. Then, even if you have to stop execution with a ^C, you can still see what was happening or where it was spinning its wheels. With that info at your finger tips, you can zoom in with finer resolution and even dump the state of all the relevant variables. 


> Antoan Hristov
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