[Tutor] Multiple tabs using tkinter

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 6 20:31:27 EST 2017

On 06/02/17 16:40, Pooja Bhalode wrote:

> I was wondering if someone could help me regarding multiple tabs in
> tkinter.

Look at the tabbed notebook in the Tix module.
It should do what you want.

I give a tutorial on its use in my recent book but you can
also find online tutorials, especially in Tcl (Python ones
are much harder to find)

> Also, I was wondering if there is a way in tkinter to create an explorer
> bar that we see in finder in OS Mac or windows. I found a way to do that
> using wxpython, but was wondering if there is a way using tkinter.

Tkinter is a relatively low level GUI toolkit. You can
build most things but you have to start with the basic
widgets. So an explorer bar is just an Entry widget to
which you can attach any functionality you care to create.

The same applies to Status bars. In Tkinter its just a
label in a frame that you have to update in your code.
In other tookits there are status bar widgets that other
widgets know how to use with just a reference.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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