[Tutor] Error when trying to use classes

George Fischhof george at fischhof.hu
Tue Feb 7 13:59:08 EST 2017

2017-02-07 16:34 GMT+01:00 Rafael Skovron <rskovron at gmail.com>:

> I'm trying to learn how to use Classes but I keep getting  NameErrors no
> matter what code I put into the script.
> Any ideas why?
> My general workflow is I edit in vim, then invoke python3 interpreter,
> import the module and try to use the Class and methods from the class.
> For example, importing customer.py and assigning this object yields:
> >>> rafael = Customer('rafael',100.0)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> NameError: name 'Customer' is not defined
> class Customer(object):
>     """A customer of ABC Bank with a checking account. Customers have
> the    following properties:
>     Attributes:        name: A string representing the customer's
> name.        balance: A float tracking the current balance of the
> customer's account.    """
>     def __init__(self, name, balance=0.0):
>         """Return a Customer object whose name is *name* and starting
>       balance is *balance*."""
>         self.name = name
>         self.balance = balance
>     def withdraw(self, amount):
>         """Return the balance remaining after withdrawing *amount*
>    dollars."""
>         if amount > self.balance:
>             raise RuntimeError('Amount greater than available balance.')
>         self.balance -= amount
>         return self.balance
>     def deposit(self, amount):
>         """Return the balance remaining after depositing *amount*
>   dollars."""
>         self.balance += amount
>         return self.balance
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with this statement:
>>> rafael = Customer('rafael',100.0)
you (the program) creates an instance of Customer class

to import the class (this is the first), you should use the import
>>> from customer import Customer
after this the program will work.


PS.: pycharm from JetBrains is a very good python ide. ... (instead of vim
;-) )

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