[Tutor] Multiple tabs using tkinter

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Feb 7 15:10:44 EST 2017

On 07/02/17 19:51, Zachary Ware wrote:

>> But Tix has over 40 extra widgets including a tabbed notepad,
>> balloon, meter, shell and and a very powerful (but undocumented!)
>> grid control.
> Very little of tkinter is actually documented outside of the official
> Tcl/Tk docs, unfortunately.  

Tix is barely documented even there!
I was actually considering writing a book to document the Tix
toolkit. If its now deprecated I won't bother!! :-)

> How does tix.Grid differ from the
> standard grid geometry manager (.grid() method on widgets)?

It's a widget not a window manager (although Tix does provide
a new "Form" WM, but I've never used it). The grid is a table
or simple spreadsheet control. Most GUI toolkits have one
but Tkinter doesn't... yet...

>> The most important and commonly used seem to have been
>> incorporated into the latest ttk, but not all of them.
> Which ones are missing?  I'd recommend raising issues against Tk for
> having them added.

I'll need to do a bit of dir() and diff() to answer that

> There's some Tcl, but mostly C; see

Yes, I discovered that once I started doing some deeper
digging... see my other post that seems to have crossed
paths with yours.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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