[Tutor] Q about .join() Thanks!

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Mon Feb 13 21:10:10 EST 2017

> That's because dictionaries are not stored sequentially and the
> order of retrieval is not guaranteed - it can even change
> during the execution of a program so you should never
> depend on it. That's because dictionaries are optimised
> for random access via the keys not to be iterated over.

Moreover, most implementations *deliberately* randomize their iteration
order to avoid a particular kind of hash collision attack out there in
the wild.  See:




for some details.

> I've a vague memory that recent versions of Python may have
> a special dictionary type that does return items in the order
> they were inserted, but I may be mixing that up with
> another language... Hopefully someone else can provide
> a steer there.

In Python, it's collections.OrderedDict:


Other languages have similar libraries.  Java has LinkedHashMap, for example:


Best of wishes!

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