[Tutor] UDP client

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Sun Feb 26 04:41:30 EST 2017

Phil wrote:

> On 26/02/17 18:42, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
>> On 26/02/17 06:44, Phil wrote:
>>> s.connect((host, 1210))
>>> data = "GET_LIST"
>> This is a string, you need to use bytes.
>> data = bytes("GET_LIST",'utf8')
> Thank you Peter and Alan for your response.
> Converting "data" to bytes worked, of course. Now I have to, I think, do
> the opposite to the received data.
> while 1:
>      buf = s.recv(2048)
>      if not len(buf):
>          break
>      print("Received: %s" % buf)
> This prints the correct result like this:
> b'ABC\DEF\ETC\n' n/
> Instead of:
> I tried str.decode(buf) but doesn't seem to be the answer.



bytes --> unicode:

some_str = some_bytes.decode(encoding)
some_str = str(some_bytes, encoding)

unicode --> bytes:

some_bytes = some_str.encode(encoding)
some_bytes = bytes(some_str, encoding)

I always use encode/decode, probably because bytes is an alias of str in py2 
and does not accept a second argument.

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