[Tutor] [Python 2.7] HELP: Serving HTTP on port 80 not proceeding
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 27 09:22:20 EST 2017
On 27/02/17 11:22, Allan Tanaka wrote:
> - And did you see chart.html in that listing?
> Yes it's there
> - How did you "proceed"?
> Did you click the link in the directorty listing
> or did you type it in by hand?
> I click the link in directory listing
OK, It looks like the server side is working OK.
That takes us back to the file itself.
> have you checked that chart.htm is not empty and that the html is valid?
> As i click the chart.htm, it doesn't show anything. Just blank.
> Does it mean that i have checked chart.htm is not empty?
No it just means the file exists but does not display. There are several
reasons for that...
First, while it is displaying(or not!) in the browser right click and
the "view source" option to see what the browser sees.
Next check that the file is not empty. The easiest way is to open in a
text editor such as Notepad - I'm guessing you use Windows?
Do you see any content?
Does it look like HTML
Second check that the file allows users to read its contents - check its
security permissions that it has read access.
Finally check that the html is valid. by running it through your favourite
html validator - for example htmltidy. You can find online validators
via google.
See how that goes.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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