From kumarmysore at  Mon Jan  2 12:01:36 2017
From: kumarmysore at (anatta anatta)
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2017 17:01:36 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] path string
Message-ID: <DB6P192MB02133F3EA06A6BE28FF98E78B06F0@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>

Dear Tutor.

I am trying to create unsuccessfully source path as a string 'str7' in part_1 of the code below, to be used in part_2 of the code.
When I define the source path explicitly in part_2 of the code (#sourcePath = r'H://TCVFLDAT'), the code works right.
How else could I find the path in part-1 and use it in part 2?

Here is my code:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun 01 17:05:07 2016

@author: anatta

# Required module
import os
import shutil
###part_1 ### looking for files to be copied and obtaining source path  ###
# Function for getting files from a folder
def fetchFiles(pathToFolder, flag, keyWord):
	'''	fetchFiles() requires three arguments: pathToFolder, flag and 
 keyWord flag must be 'STARTS_WITH' or 'ENDS_WITH' keyWord is a string to 
  search the file's name  Be careful, the keyWord is case sensitive and must
  be exact.  Example: fetchFiles('/Documents/Photos/','ENDS_WITH','.jpg')
returns: _pathToFiles and _fileNames '''
	_pathToFiles = []
	_fileNames = []

	for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk(pathToFolder):
		if flag == 'ENDS_WITH':
			selectedPath = [os.path.join(dirPath,item) for item in fileNames if item.endswith(keyWord)]
			selectedFile = [item for item in fileNames if item.endswith(keyWord)]
		elif flag == 'STARTS_WITH':
			selectedPath = [os.path.join(dirPath,item) for item in fileNames if item.startswith(keyWord)]
			selectedFile = [item for item in fileNames if item.startswith(keyWord)]
			print fetchFiles.__doc__
		# Try to remove empty entries if none of the required files are in directory
		except ValueError:
		# Warn if nothing was found in the given path
		#if selectedFile == []: 
			#print 'No files with given parameters were found in:\n', dirPath, '\n'
                #print len(_fileNames), 'files were found is searched folder(s)' 
        #return _pathToFiles, _fileNames
        #print _pathToFiles, _fileNames
        print 'path to first tuple file is:', _pathToFiles [0]
        str1 = ' '.join(_pathToFiles [0]) #convert tuple element 0 to string
        print 'length of str1 is: ', len (str1)
        str2 = str1.replace(" ", "") #remove white spaces
        print 'str2 is', str2
        str3 = str2[13:16] #extract rgeistration
        print 'str3 is registration:', str3
        str4 = 'FLDAT'
        print 'str4 is: ', str4
        str5 = str3.__add__(str4)
        print 'str 5 is: ',str5
        str6 = 'H://'
        print 'str6 is: ', str5
        str7 = str6.__add__(str5)
        print 'str7 is: ', str7  
        #print _fileNames
        print 'Number of files found: ', len(_fileNames)

#### part_2 #### copying files from sourcePath to destPath

#sourcePath = r'H://TCVFLDAT'
sourcePath = r'str7'
print 'Source path is: ', sourcePath
destPath = r'c://test_o/'
print 'Destination path is: ', destPath
#ls=os.listdir('.')#list current dir
#print('listing current dir\n')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourcePath):

    #figure out where we're going
    dest = destPath + root.replace(sourcePath, '')

    #if we're in a directory that doesn't exist in the destination folder
    #then create a new folder
    if not os.path.isdir(dest):
        print 'Directory created at: ' + dest
        print 'Directory already exists:' + dest

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourcePath):
        #figure out where we're going
    dest = destPath + root.replace(sourcePath, '')
    filetype = '.FLD'# name the file ext to be copied    
    print 'All files of this type will be copied', filetype    
    #loop through all files in the directory
    for f in files:

        #compute current (old) & new file locations
        oldLoc = root + '\\' + f
        newLoc = dest + '\\' + f
        #print 'Old location is:', oldLoc
        #print 'New location is:', newLoc

        if not os.path.isfile(newLoc):
                #filetype = '.FLD'# name the file ext to be copied
                #print 'All files of this type will be copied', filetype
                filename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(oldLoc)
                print 'filename is:', filename
                print 'file ext is', file_ext
                if file_ext == filetype:
                    shutil.copy2(oldLoc, newLoc)
                    print 'File ' + f + ' copied.'
                    print 'File ' + f + ' not copied'
            except IOError:
                print 'file "' + f + '" already exists'

Below is the output:

Python 2.7.11 |Anaconda 4.0.0 (64-bit)| (default, Feb 16 2016, 09:58:36) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Anaconda is brought to you by Continuum Analytics.
Please check out: and
>>> runfile('D:/university_2/my_code_2/2017_01_02/get_reg_&', wdir='D:/university_2/my_code_2/2017_01_02')
path to first tuple file is: H://TCVFLDAT\TCV00000.FLD
length of str1 is:  49
str2 is H://TCVFLDAT\TCV00000.FLD
str3 is registration: TCV
str4 is:  FLDAT
str 5 is:  TCVFLDAT
str6 is:  TCVFLDAT
str7 is:  H://TCVFLDAT
Number of files found:  21
Source path is:  str7
Destination path is:  c://test_o/

From alan.gauld at  Mon Jan  2 19:08:41 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 00:08:41 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] path string
In-Reply-To: <DB6P192MB02133F3EA06A6BE28FF98E78B06F0@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
References: <DB6P192MB02133F3EA06A6BE28FF98E78B06F0@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Message-ID: <o4eq23$9bu$>

On 02/01/17 17:01, anatta anatta wrote:

> I am trying to create unsuccessfully source path as 
> a string 'str7' in part_1 of the code below,

When you say unsuccessfully what do you mean?
What do you expect? What do you get?

> to be used in part_2 of the code.

For that you need to expose it outside the
function, the best way to do that is to return
it as a value, which you comment suggests you
want to do. But the only return is commented out,
so you need to tidy that up.

But personally I think your function is trying to do
too much. You should simplify it to only return the
files and have another function that returns the path.
Functions that try to do too many things (ie more
than one) are notoriously difficult to debug.

> When I define the source path explicitly in part_2 
> of the code (#sourcePath = r'H://TCVFLDAT'), the
> code works right.

I'll take your word for it.

> How else could I find the path in part-1 and use it in part 2?

Return the value (assuming it is the right value)
and in part two assign the return from the
function to a variable.

For my analysis below I've removed all the flag
nonsense which is just cluttering things up for
now and gone with the ENDS_WITH option as

> def fetchFiles(pathToFolder, flag, keyWord):
> 	_pathToFiles = []
> 	_fileNames = []
> 	for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk(pathToFolder):
> 			selectedPath = [os.path.join(dirPath,item) for item in fileNames if item.endswith(keyWord)]
> 			_pathToFiles.extend(selectedPath)
> 			selectedFile = [item for item in fileNames if item.endswith(keyWord)]
> 			_fileNames.extend(selectedFile)

You could simplify that by putting the selectedFiles
line before the selectedPath line and use selectedFiles
inside the comprehension.

> 		# Try to remove empty entries if none of the required files are in directory
> 		try:
> 			_pathToFiles.remove('')
> 			_imageFiles.remove('')

It would probably be better to check if they were empty
before putting them in. Since you use the endswith() test
I'm thinking there should never be any empty ones in
this scenario anyway?

> 		except ValueError:
> 			pass

>         #return _pathToFiles, _fileNames

Here is the missing return statement but it's not returning
what you said you wanted, ie str7

>         #print _pathToFiles, _fileNames
>         print 'path to first tuple file is:', _pathToFiles [0]
>         str1 = ' '.join(_pathToFiles [0]) #convert tuple element 0 to string
>         print 'length of str1 is: ', len (str1)

It might be wise to print the string itself to check
you have what you want, I'm not sure you do... But
I'm not really sure what you want since your code
logic is confusing me a bit here.

>         str2 = str1.replace(" ", "") #remove white spaces

So why did you add it above? Why not just use an empty
string in the join?

However, more seriously, what affect does this have
on any paths/filenames that you found with spaces
in them? Is that really what you want?

>         print 'str2 is', str2
>         str3 = str2[13:16] #extract rgeistration
>         print 'str3 is registration:', str3

I'll assume this is right since I've no idea what
format you think your filenames have. However, in general,
relying on fixed positions within a string is not a good
idea. This might be a valid case for using a regex which
can more flexibly match your pattern. But for now just
stick with the simple fixed values...

>         str4 = 'FLDAT'
>         print 'str4 is: ', str4
>         str5 = str3.__add__(str4)

You shouldn't really call the dunder methods directly you
should use the + operator:

str5 = str3 + str4

Or, in this case, save a variable and use the literal:

str5 = str3 + 'FLDAT'

>         print 'str 5 is: ',str5
>         str6 = 'H://'
>         print 'str6 is: ', str5

Did you really mean that? You've already printed str5.
And do you really need a double slash after the
drive letter? That's usually only needed if using
backslashes ('H:\\').

>         str7 = str6.__add__(str5)

Again you could just use the literals:

str7 = 'H://' + str3 = 'FLDAT'

>         print 'str7 is: ', str7  
> fetchFiles('H://','ENDS_WITH','.FLD')

No assignment of any return value here

> #### part_2 #### copying files from sourcePath to destPath

> sourcePath = r'str7'

This assigns the literal string 'str7' is that what you want?
You cannot access the variable str7 that was inside the function.
It was a local variable and will have been destroyed by now.

> print 'Source path is: ', sourcePath
> destPath = r'c://test_o/'
> print 'Destination path is: ', destPath
> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourcePath):
>     #figure out where we're going
>     dest = destPath + root.replace(sourcePath, '')
>     #if we're in a directory that doesn't exist in the destination folder
>     #then create a new folder
>     if not os.path.isdir(dest):
>         os.mkdir(dest)
>         print 'Directory created at: ' + dest
>     else:
>         print 'Directory already exists:' + dest
> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourcePath):
>         #figure out where we're going
>     dest = destPath + root.replace(sourcePath, '')
>     filetype = '.FLD'# name the file ext to be copied    
>     print 'All files of this type will be copied', filetype    
>     #loop through all files in the directory
>     for f in files:
>         #compute current (old) & new file locations
>         oldLoc = root + '\\' + f
>         newLoc = dest + '\\' + f
>         #print 'Old location is:', oldLoc
>         #print 'New location is:', newLoc
>         if not os.path.isfile(newLoc):
>             try:
>                 filename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(oldLoc)
>                 print 'filename is:', filename
>                 print 'file ext is', file_ext
>                 if file_ext == filetype:
>                     shutil.copy2(oldLoc, newLoc)
>                     print 'File ' + f + ' copied.'

You can save some work by using comma separation:

    print 'File', f,'copied.'

No spaces needed and no string additions going on.

>                 else:
>                     print 'File ' + f + ' not copied'
>             except IOError:
>                 print 'file "' + f + '" already exists'
> ####################
> Below is the output:
> ####################
> Python 2.7.11 |Anaconda 4.0.0 (64-bit)| (default, Feb 16 2016, 09:58:36) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> Anaconda is brought to you by Continuum Analytics.
> Please check out: and
>>>> runfile('D:/university_2/my_code_2/2017_01_02/get_reg_&', wdir='D:/university_2/my_code_2/2017_01_02')
> path to first tuple file is: H://TCVFLDAT\TCV00000.FLD

Note you have a mix of // and \ as separators. Probably
better to just use one.

> length of str1 is:  49
> str2 is H://TCVFLDAT\TCV00000.FLD
> str3 is registration: TCV
> str4 is:  FLDAT
> str 5 is:  TCVFLDAT
> str6 is:  TCVFLDAT
> str7 is:  H://TCVFLDAT
> Number of files found:  21
> Source path is:  str7
> Destination path is:  c://test_o/

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mrzenwiz at  Mon Jan  2 20:21:52 2017
From: mrzenwiz at (MR ZenWiz)
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2017 17:21:52 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Total newbie question
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to install python 4.6 on my Xubuntu 16.04 desktop, and I
keep getting scads of errors that culminate with this from make test:

running build
running build_ext
INFO: Can't locate Tcl/Tk libs and/or headers
warning: building with the bundled copy of libffi is deprecated on
this platform.  It will not be distributed with Python 3.7

Python build finished successfully!
The necessary bits to build these optional modules were not found:
_bz2                  _curses               _curses_panel
_dbm                  _gdbm                 _lzma
_sqlite3              _ssl                  _tkinter
readline              zlib
To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for
the module's name.

I'm not sure how to handle this, but the upshot is I can't run idle
(or idle3) on my system at all.

What's the trick to getting all of python set up so I can use it?  I
have not found a good guide for how to do this.


From alan.gauld at  Tue Jan  3 04:00:55 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 09:00:55 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Total newbie question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o4fp82$cs3$>

On 03/01/17 01:21, MR ZenWiz wrote:
> I'm trying to install python 4.6 on my Xubuntu 16.04 desktop,

I assume you mean Python 3.6?
And my first question is why? Do you have some specific
features in 3.6 that you need? Otherwise just go with
the latest version in your package manager which will
probably be 3.4 or 3.5.

Both are stable releases and as a newbie should have
more than enough to keep you busy until packages
appear for 3.6. Seriously, life is too short to build
from scratch unless you really know you need to.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From cs at  Tue Jan  3 05:04:50 2017
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 21:04:50 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Total newbie question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 02Jan2017 17:21, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
>I'm trying to install python 4.6 on my Xubuntu 16.04 desktop, and I
>keep getting scads of errors that culminate with this from make test:
>running build
>running build_ext
>INFO: Can't locate Tcl/Tk libs and/or headers

You lack the tk development libraries and/or headers. Try (as root):

  apt-get install tk-dev

>The necessary bits to build these optional modules were not found:
>_bz2                  _curses               _curses_panel
>_dbm                  _gdbm                 _lzma
>_sqlite3              _ssl                  _tkinter
>readline              zlib

You need a bunch of other devleopment libraries too. You can use "apt-cache 
search" to look for package names, eg "apt-cache search readline".

Based on an Ubuntu system also here try installing: libsqlite3-dev, libbz2-dev, 
libncursesw5-dev, libgdbm-dev, lzma-dev, libssl-dev, libreadline-dev, 

Then do a clean configure again and see what it says.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From __peter__ at  Tue Jan  3 11:07:41 2017
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 17:07:41 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Total newbie question
References: <>
Message-ID: <o4gi89$t5l$>

Cameron Simpson wrote:

> On 02Jan2017 17:21, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
>>I'm trying to install python 4.6 on my Xubuntu 16.04 desktop, and I
>>keep getting scads of errors that culminate with this from make test:
>>running build
>>running build_ext
>>INFO: Can't locate Tcl/Tk libs and/or headers
> You lack the tk development libraries and/or headers. Try (as root):
>   apt-get install tk-dev
>>The necessary bits to build these optional modules were not found:
>>_bz2                  _curses               _curses_panel
>>_dbm                  _gdbm                 _lzma
>>_sqlite3              _ssl                  _tkinter
>>readline              zlib
> You need a bunch of other devleopment libraries too. You can use
> "apt-cache search" to look for package names, eg "apt-cache search
> readline".
> Based on an Ubuntu system also here try installing: libsqlite3-dev,
> libbz2-dev, libncursesw5-dev, libgdbm-dev, lzma-dev, libssl-dev,
> libreadline-dev, zlib1g-dev.

A nice shortcut for this is to install the build dependencies of the Python 
3 used by your distribution:

$ sudo apt-get build-dep python3.x

Replace x with the actual minor version present on your system.

> Then do a clean configure again and see what it says.
> Cheers,
> Cameron Simpson <cs at>
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From kumarmysore at  Tue Jan  3 10:59:25 2017
From: kumarmysore at (anatta anatta)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 15:59:25 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Fw: path string
In-Reply-To: <DB6P192MB02133F3EA06A6BE28FF98E78B06F0@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
References: <DB6P192MB02133F3EA06A6BE28FF98E78B06F0@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Message-ID: <DB6P192MB0213ACB34DEAF65D1B2AA60BB06E0@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>

Dear Tutor,

Please disregard my request below.

I know the problem!

I have not defined the variable in question as a global variable.

regret the inconvenience caused.




From: anatta anatta <kumarmysore at>
Sent: Monday, January 2, 2017 5:01 PM
To: tutor at
Subject: path string

Dear Tutor.

I am trying to create unsuccessfully source path as a string 'str7' in part_1 of the code below, to be used in part_2 of the code.
When I define the source path explicitly in part_2 of the code (#sourcePath = r'H://TCVFLDAT'), the code works right.
How else could I find the path in part-1 and use it in part 2?

Here is my code:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun 01 17:05:07 2016

@author: anatta

# Required module
import os
import shutil
###part_1 ### looking for files to be copied and obtaining source path  ###
# Function for getting files from a folder
def fetchFiles(pathToFolder, flag, keyWord):
        '''     fetchFiles() requires three arguments: pathToFolder, flag and
 keyWord flag must be 'STARTS_WITH' or 'ENDS_WITH' keyWord is a string to
  search the file's name  Be careful, the keyWord is case sensitive and must
  be exact.  Example: fetchFiles('/Documents/Photos/','ENDS_WITH','.jpg')
returns: _pathToFiles and _fileNames '''

        _pathToFiles = []
        _fileNames = []

        for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk(pathToFolder):
                if flag == 'ENDS_WITH':
                        selectedPath = [os.path.join(dirPath,item) for item in fileNames if item.endswith(keyWord)]

                        selectedFile = [item for item in fileNames if item.endswith(keyWord)]

                elif flag == 'STARTS_WITH':
                        selectedPath = [os.path.join(dirPath,item) for item in fileNames if item.startswith(keyWord)]

                        selectedFile = [item for item in fileNames if item.startswith(keyWord)]

                        print fetchFiles.__doc__

                # Try to remove empty entries if none of the required files are in directory
                except ValueError:

                # Warn if nothing was found in the given path
                #if selectedFile == []:
                        #print 'No files with given parameters were found in:\n', dirPath, '\n'

                #print len(_fileNames), 'files were found is searched folder(s)'

        #return _pathToFiles, _fileNames
        #print _pathToFiles, _fileNames
        print 'path to first tuple file is:', _pathToFiles [0]
        str1 = ' '.join(_pathToFiles [0]) #convert tuple element 0 to string
        print 'length of str1 is: ', len (str1)
        str2 = str1.replace(" ", "") #remove white spaces
        print 'str2 is', str2
        str3 = str2[13:16] #extract rgeistration
        print 'str3 is registration:', str3

        str4 = 'FLDAT'
        print 'str4 is: ', str4
        str5 = str3.__add__(str4)
        print 'str 5 is: ',str5
        str6 = 'H://'
        print 'str6 is: ', str5
        str7 = str6.__add__(str5)
        print 'str7 is: ', str7

        #print _fileNames
        print 'Number of files found: ', len(_fileNames)

#### part_2 #### copying files from sourcePath to destPath

#sourcePath = r'H://TCVFLDAT'
sourcePath = r'str7'
print 'Source path is: ', sourcePath
destPath = r'c://test_o/'
print 'Destination path is: ', destPath
#ls=os.listdir('.')#list current dir
#print('listing current dir\n')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourcePath):

    #figure out where we're going
    dest = destPath + root.replace(sourcePath, '')

    #if we're in a directory that doesn't exist in the destination folder
    #then create a new folder
    if not os.path.isdir(dest):
        print 'Directory created at: ' + dest
        print 'Directory already exists:' + dest

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourcePath):
        #figure out where we're going
    dest = destPath + root.replace(sourcePath, '')
    filetype = '.FLD'# name the file ext to be copied
    print 'All files of this type will be copied', filetype
    #loop through all files in the directory
    for f in files:

        #compute current (old) & new file locations
        oldLoc = root + '\\' + f
        newLoc = dest + '\\' + f
        #print 'Old location is:', oldLoc
        #print 'New location is:', newLoc

        if not os.path.isfile(newLoc):
                #filetype = '.FLD'# name the file ext to be copied
                #print 'All files of this type will be copied', filetype
                filename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(oldLoc)
                print 'filename is:', filename
                print 'file ext is', file_ext
                if file_ext == filetype:
                    shutil.copy2(oldLoc, newLoc)
                    print 'File ' + f + ' copied.'
                    print 'File ' + f + ' not copied'
            except IOError:
                print 'file "' + f + '" already exists'

Below is the output:

Python 2.7.11 |Anaconda 4.0.0 (64-bit)| (default, Feb 16 2016, 09:58:36) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Anaconda is brought to you by Continuum Analytics.
Please check out: and

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>>> runfile('D:/university_2/my_code_2/2017_01_02/get_reg_&', wdir='D:/university_2/my_code_2/2017_01_02')
path to first tuple file is: H://TCVFLDAT\TCV00000.FLD
length of str1 is:  49
str2 is H://TCVFLDAT\TCV00000.FLD
str3 is registration: TCV
str4 is:  FLDAT
str 5 is:  TCVFLDAT
str6 is:  TCVFLDAT
str7 is:  H://TCVFLDAT
Number of files found:  21
Source path is:  str7
Destination path is:  c://test_o/

From mrzenwiz at  Tue Jan  3 14:38:09 2017
From: mrzenwiz at (MR ZenWiz)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 11:38:09 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Total newbie question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <o4gi89$t5l$>
Message-ID: <>

Forgot to include the list.

On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 11:37 AM, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 8:07 AM, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
>> Cameron Simpson wrote:
>>> On 02Jan2017 17:21, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
>>>>I'm trying to install python 4.6 on my Xubuntu 16.04 desktop, and I
>>>>keep getting scads of errors that culminate with this from make test:
> :
>> A nice shortcut for this is to install the build dependencies of the Python
>> 3 used by your distribution:
>> $ sudo apt-get build-dep python3.x
>> Replace x with the actual minor version present on your system.
> admar at marbase:~/Downloads $ sudo apt-get build-dev python3.5
> E: Invalid operation build-dev
> I also tried:
> admar at marbase:~/Downloads $ sudo apt-get build-dep python3
> Reading package lists... Done
> E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list
> admar at marbase:~/Downloads $ sudo apt-get build-dep python3.5
> Reading package lists... Done
> E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list

From cs at  Tue Jan  3 20:15:30 2017
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2017 12:15:30 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Total newbie question
In-Reply-To: <o4gi89$t5l$>
References: <o4gi89$t5l$>
Message-ID: <>

On 03Jan2017 17:07, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
>Cameron Simpson wrote:
>> On 02Jan2017 17:21, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
>>>I'm trying to install python 4.6 on my Xubuntu 16.04 desktop, [...]
>>>INFO: Can't locate Tcl/Tk libs and/or headers
>> You lack the tk development libraries and/or headers. Try (as root):
>>   apt-get install tk-dev
>> You need a bunch of other devleopment libraries too. [...]
>A nice shortcut for this is to install the build dependencies of the Python
>3 used by your distribution:
>$ sudo apt-get build-dep python3.x
>Replace x with the actual minor version present on your system.

I Did Not Know This!

Yes, that sounds far more reliable than my guess-the-names approach.

Thank you,
Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jan  4 04:27:30 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2017 09:27:30 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Fw: path string
In-Reply-To: <DB6P192MB0213ACB34DEAF65D1B2AA60BB06E0@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
References: <DB6P192MB02133F3EA06A6BE28FF98E78B06F0@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Message-ID: <o4if5s$bc5$>

On 03/01/17 15:59, anatta anatta wrote:

> Please disregard my request below.
> I know the problem!
> I have not defined the variable in question as a global variable.

That's one solution but its not a very good one.

Global variables are not considered good practice for many
reasons. In particular, they make code reuse difficult and
if you ever need to use your code in a multi-threaded
environment, to improve performance say, they are nearly
impossible to work with.

It's much better to pass the required value out of the function
as a return value.

> regret the inconvenience caused.

No inconvenience, its what the list is here for! :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From __peter__ at  Wed Jan  4 04:43:00 2017
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2017 10:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Total newbie question
References: <>
 <> <o4gi89$t5l$>
Message-ID: <o4ig3h$v6b$>

MR ZenWiz wrote:

> Forgot to include the list.
> On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 11:37 AM, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 8:07 AM, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
>>> Cameron Simpson wrote:
>>>> On 02Jan2017 17:21, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
>>>>>I'm trying to install python 4.6 on my Xubuntu 16.04 desktop, and I
>>>>>keep getting scads of errors that culminate with this from make test:
>> :
>>> A nice shortcut for this is to install the build dependencies of the
>>> Python 3 used by your distribution:
>>> $ sudo apt-get build-dep python3.x
>>> Replace x with the actual minor version present on your system.
>> admar at marbase:~/Downloads $ sudo apt-get build-dev python3.5
>> E: Invalid operation build-dev

It has to be build-dep, not build-dev.

From mrzenwiz at  Wed Jan  4 01:51:26 2017
From: mrzenwiz at (MR ZenWiz)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 22:51:26 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Total newbie question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <o4gi89$t5l$>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 5:15 PM, Cameron Simpson <cs at> wrote:
> On 03Jan2017 17:07, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
>> Cameron Simpson wrote:
>>> On 02Jan2017 17:21, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to install python 4.6 on my Xubuntu 16.04 desktop, [...]
>>>> INFO: Can't locate Tcl/Tk libs and/or headers
>>> You lack the tk development libraries and/or headers. Try (as root):
>>>   apt-get install tk-dev
> [...]
>>> You need a bunch of other devleopment libraries too. [...]
>> A nice shortcut for this is to install the build dependencies of the
>> Python
>> 3 used by your distribution:
>> $ sudo apt-get build-dep python3.x
>> Replace x with the actual minor version present on your system.
> I Did Not Know This!
> Yes, that sounds far more reliable than my guess-the-names approach.
> Thank you,

If that had worked, I'd be quite pleased, but as I posted earlier,
apgt-get claims not to know what to do with that.

I tried deleting all the ~/.local/python3* files and also all python
files in /etc and /usr, then reinstalled all the (previously) system
installed version via synaptic, and python3.5 seems to work as a
command, but idle3 does not:

admar at marbase:~ $ which idle3
admar at marbase:~ $ which idle3.5
admar at marbase:~ $ which python3
admar at marbase:~ $ which python3.5
admar at marbase:~ $ idle3
bash: /usr/local/bin/idle3: /usr/local/bin/python3.5: bad interpreter:
No such file or directory
admar at marbase:~ $ idle3.5
bash: /usr/local/bin/idle3.5: /usr/local/bin/python3.5: bad
interpreter: No such file or directory

It appears that while python is installed in /usr/bin, idle is in
/usr/local/bin and expects the python interpreter to be also under
/usr/local, which does not seem to be the default.

I created a symlink 'ln -s /usr/bin/python3.5
/usr/local/bin/python3.5' and now idle comes up.

While this works, it is not at all intuitive (and I haven't exercised
it to see how robust this is).

What would make the idle want something that isn't there without such hackery?


From alan.gauld at  Wed Jan  4 04:57:09 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2017 09:57:09 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Total newbie question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <o4gi89$t5l$>
Message-ID: <o4igtg$a1n$>

On 04/01/17 06:51, MR ZenWiz wrote:

> It appears that while python is installed in /usr/bin, idle is in
> /usr/local/bin and expects the python interpreter to be also under
> /usr/local, which does not seem to be the default.
> I created a symlink 'ln -s /usr/bin/python3.5
> /usr/local/bin/python3.5' and now idle comes up.

Did you install the idle-python3.5 package too?
That should have created a launcher in your menu system for idle.

On Ubuntu (and most Linux systems) you have to install "extra"
features like idle as packages. It's well worth browsing the
available python packages using synaptic, or whatever manager
you prefer.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From kumarmysore at  Thu Jan  5 08:01:49 2017
From: kumarmysore at (anatta anatta)
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 13:01:49 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] prenting a line form appearing in log file
Message-ID: <DB6P192MB0213F4C8212A490438EBC223B0600@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>

Dear Tutors,

Thanks in advance for the help.



I have created a log file, using 'logging' module, which records items of my interest after the execution of the program.  The program in the beginning asks for name of the person who runs the program, as below:

name = raw_input ("Please enter your name.")

print 'Hi ', name, 'Please go ahead and press enter to transfer files'

The log file records the variable 'name' in the log file at the right location as I have coded.  So far so good.

However the log file also records the following statements at the end of the log file.

Hi 'name', Please go ahead and transfer files

How can I prevent this line from appearing at the end of the logfile.


From s.molnar at  Thu Jan  5 08:29:33 2017
From: s.molnar at (S. P. Molnar)
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2017 08:29:33 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Help with a Conversion
Message-ID: <>

I have just started attempting programming in Python and am using Spyder 
with Python 3.5.2 on a Linux platform. (I first started programing in 
Fortran II using punched paper tape.  Yes, am a rather elderly . .  .).

I have bumbled through, what I foolishly thought was a simple problem, a 
short program to change frequency to wavelength for a plot of 
ultraviolet spectra.  I have attached a pdf of the program.

During my attempt at programming I have printed results at various 
stages.  Printing wavelength = [row[0] for row in data] gives me 25000 
as the first frequency in the wavelength list (the corresponding 
wavelength is 400).

To change the frequency to wave length I did the following:

wave_length = p*np.array(frequency)

(The relationship between wavelength and frequency is: wavelength = 
1.0e7/frequency, where 1e7 is the speed of light)

Apparently whhat I have managed to do is divide each element of the frequency list by 1/1e7.

What I want to do is divide 1e7 by each element of the freqquency list.

How di I do this?

Please keep in mind that many, many hyears ago I learned the ole arithmetic and an not trying to start a flame war.

Thanks in advance for the assistance tha I am sure will be most helpful.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.	Life is a fuzzy set	Stochastic and multivariate
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype:  smolnar1

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jan  5 11:27:55 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 16:27:55 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] prenting a line form appearing in log file
In-Reply-To: <DB6P192MB0213F4C8212A490438EBC223B0600@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
References: <DB6P192MB0213F4C8212A490438EBC223B0600@DB6P192MB0213.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Message-ID: <o4ls66$qvd$>

On 05/01/17 13:01, anatta anatta wrote:

> I have created a log file, using 'logging' module, 

> name = raw_input ("Please enter your name.")
> print 'Hi ', name, 'Please go ahead and press enter to transfer files'
> The log file records the variable 'name' in the log file at the 
> right location as I have coded.  So far so good.
> However the log file also records the following statements 
> at the end of the log file.
> Hi 'name', Please go ahead and transfer files
> How can I prevent this line from appearing at the end of the logfile.

Its hard to tell what's happening without seeing your code.
If it is very long try creating a shirter example that
exhibits the same behaviour and post that. (Doing so may
even show you the error.)

But with the limited information you've given us, we are just
making wild guesses.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jan  5 11:41:24 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 16:41:24 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Help with a Conversion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o4lsvf$heo$>

On 05/01/17 13:29, S. P. Molnar wrote:

> Fortran II using punched paper tape.  Yes, am a rather elderly . .  .).

You are not the only one, there are at least 2 more of us on
this list that started in that era...

> short program to change frequency to wavelength for a plot of 
> ultraviolet spectra.  I have attached a pdf of the program.

This is a text list so attachments usually get stripped off.
Please post the code in the body of the email using plain text

> To change the frequency to wave length I did the following:
> p=1/1e7

p = 1e-7

> wave_length = p*np.array(frequency)

I don't really use numpy so don't know what that line does.
But assuming it applies the multiplication to each array element
I'd probably use:

wave_lengths = [p*f for f in frequencies]

or possibly

wave_lengths = map(lambda f: p*f, frequencies)

where frequencies was a tuple/list of frequency values.


> (The relationship between wavelength and frequency is: wavelength = 
> 1.0e7/frequency, where 1e7 is the speed of light)

That formula doesn't look like the one you use above
if my guess is correct. That would look like:

wave_length = [1e7/f for f in frequencies]

ie positive exponent and division instead of multiplication

> Apparently what I have managed to do is divide each element of the frequency list by 1/1e7.
> What I want to do is divide 1e7 by each element of the freqquency list.
> How di I do this?

Rearrange the equation and use division instead of multiplication
I think that by calculating 1/p you have made things much more
complicated - unless there is some subtle arithmetic magic going
on that I'm missing?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From s.molnar at  Thu Jan  5 12:26:59 2017
From: s.molnar at (S. P. Molnar)
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2017 12:26:59 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Help with a Conversion
In-Reply-To: <o4lsvf$heo$>
References: <> <o4lsvf$heo$>
Message-ID: <>

On 01/05/2017 11:41 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 05/01/17 13:29, S. P. Molnar wrote:
>> Fortran II using punched paper tape.  Yes, am a rather elderly . .  .).
> You are not the only one, there are at least 2 more of us on
> this list that started in that era...
>> short program to change frequency to wavelength for a plot of
>> ultraviolet spectra.  I have attached a pdf of the program.
> This is a text list so attachments usually get stripped off.
> Please post the code in the body of the email using plain text
> formatting.
>> To change the frequency to wave length I did the following:
>> p=1/1e7
> p = 1e-7
>> wave_length = p*np.array(frequency)
> I don't really use numpy so don't know what that line does.
> But assuming it applies the multiplication to each array element
> I'd probably use:
> wave_lengths = [p*f for f in frequencies]
> or possibly
> wave_lengths = map(lambda f: p*f, frequencies)
> where frequencies was a tuple/list of frequency values.
> However...
>> (The relationship between wavelength and frequency is: wavelength =
>> 1.0e7/frequency, where 1e7 is the speed of light)
> That formula doesn't look like the one you use above
> if my guess is correct. That would look like:
> wave_length = [1e7/f for f in frequencies]
> ie positive exponent and division instead of multiplication
>> Apparently what I have managed to do is divide each element of the frequency list by 1/1e7.
>> What I want to do is divide 1e7 by each element of the freqquency list.
>> How di I do this?
> Rearrange the equation and use division instead of multiplication
> I think that by calculating 1/p you have made things much more
> complicated - unless there is some subtle arithmetic magic going
> on that I'm missing?
Many thanks for the reply and your suggestions.

As it happens, I stumbled on the solution through trial and error.

The correct line is:  wave_length = 1e7/np.array(frequency).

All is now well.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.	Life is a fuzzy set	Stochastic and multivariate
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype:  smolnar1

From __peter__ at  Thu Jan  5 13:10:53 2017
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2017 19:10:53 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Help with a Conversion
References: <>
Message-ID: <o4m27b$b6l$>

S. P. Molnar wrote:

> I have just started attempting programming in Python and am using Spyder
> with Python 3.5.2 on a Linux platform. (I first started programing in
> Fortran II using punched paper tape.  Yes, am a rather elderly . .  .).
> I have bumbled through, what I foolishly thought was a simple problem, a
> short program to change frequency to wavelength for a plot of
> ultraviolet spectra.  I have attached a pdf of the program.
> During my attempt at programming I have printed results at various
> stages.  Printing wavelength = [row[0] for row in data] gives me 25000
> as the first frequency in the wavelength list (the corresponding
> wavelength is 400).
> To change the frequency to wave length I did the following:
> p=1/1e7
> wave_length = p*np.array(frequency)
> (The relationship between wavelength and frequency is: wavelength =
> 1.0e7/frequency, where 1e7 is the speed of light)
> Apparently whhat I have managed to do is divide each element of the
> frequency list by 1/1e7.
> What I want to do is divide 1e7 by each element of the freqquency list.
> How di I do this?

Since you are using numpy anyway I'd put the frequencies into a numpy.array 
as soon as possible:

>>> import numpy
>>> frequencies = numpy.array([25000, 1250, 400])

Because of numpy's "broadcasting" you can mix skalars and vectors as you 
already tried -- and with the right formula, lamda = c / nu, you get the 
correct result:

>>> speed_of_light = 1e7
>>> wavelengths = speed_of_light / frequencies
>>> wavelengths
array([   400.,   8000.,  25000.])

The equivalent list comprehension in plain Python looks like this:

>>> frequencies = [25000, 1250, 400]
>>> wavelengths = [speed_of_light/freq for freq in frequencies]
>>> wavelengths
[400.0, 8000.0, 25000.0]

> Please keep in mind that many, many hyears ago I learned the ole
> arithmetic

That hasn't changed and is honoured by numpy; you were probably confused by 
the new tool ;)

> and an not trying to start a flame war.

> Thanks in advance for the assistance tha I am sure will be most helpful.

From steve at  Thu Jan  5 18:18:29 2017
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 10:18:29 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Help with a Conversion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jan 05, 2017 at 08:29:33AM -0500, S. P. Molnar wrote:

> To change the frequency to wave length I did the following:
> p=1/1e7
> wave_length = p*np.array(frequency)
> (The relationship between wavelength and frequency is: wavelength = 
> 1.0e7/frequency, where 1e7 is the speed of light)
> Apparently whhat I have managed to do is divide each element of the 
> frequency list by 1/1e7.

Indeed :-)

This is a matter of arithmetic:

Let p = 1/x
then p*f = (1/x)*f = f/x

So you have divided each frequency by x, namely 1e7.

What you want is:


which divides x (1e7) by the frequency.

The interactive interpreter is very good for exploring simple questions 
like this. If you need help starting the interactive interpreter, please 
ask, although I haven't used Spyder for many years and I'm not familiar 
with it. But in the regular Python interpreter, I can do this:

py> import numpy as np
py> data = np.array([1, 2, 3])
py> data
array([1, 2, 3])
py> factor = 1/10.0
py> factor*data
array([ 0.1,  0.2,  0.3])
py> factor/data
array([ 0.1       ,  0.05      ,  0.03333333])

(lines starting with "py>" is the code I have typed).

So to get the result you want, you should be able to do this:

wave_length = 1e7/np.array(frequency)


From s.molnar at  Thu Jan  5 13:31:06 2017
From: s.molnar at (S. P. Molnar)
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2017 13:31:06 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Help with a Conversion
In-Reply-To: <o4m27b$b6l$>
References: <> <o4m27b$b6l$>
Message-ID: <>

On 01/05/2017 01:10 PM, Peter Otten wrote:
> S. P. Molnar wrote:
>> I have just started attempting programming in Python and am using Spyder
>> with Python 3.5.2 on a Linux platform. (I first started programing in
>> Fortran II using punched paper tape.  Yes, am a rather elderly . .  .).
>> I have bumbled through, what I foolishly thought was a simple problem, a
>> short program to change frequency to wavelength for a plot of
>> ultraviolet spectra.  I have attached a pdf of the program.
>> During my attempt at programming I have printed results at various
>> stages.  Printing wavelength = [row[0] for row in data] gives me 25000
>> as the first frequency in the wavelength list (the corresponding
>> wavelength is 400).
>> To change the frequency to wave length I did the following:
>> p=1/1e7
>> wave_length = p*np.array(frequency)
>> (The relationship between wavelength and frequency is: wavelength =
>> 1.0e7/frequency, where 1e7 is the speed of light)
>> Apparently whhat I have managed to do is divide each element of the
>> frequency list by 1/1e7.
>> What I want to do is divide 1e7 by each element of the freqquency list.
>> How di I do this?
> Since you are using numpy anyway I'd put the frequencies into a numpy.array
> as soon as possible:
>>>> import numpy
>>>> frequencies = numpy.array([25000, 1250, 400])
> Because of numpy's "broadcasting" you can mix skalars and vectors as you
> already tried -- and with the right formula, lamda = c / nu, you get the
> correct result:
>>>> speed_of_light = 1e7
>>>> wavelengths = speed_of_light / frequencies
>>>> wavelengths
> array([   400.,   8000.,  25000.])
> The equivalent list comprehension in plain Python looks like this:
>>>> frequencies = [25000, 1250, 400]
>>>> wavelengths = [speed_of_light/freq for freq in frequencies]
>>>> wavelengths
> [400.0, 8000.0, 25000.0]
>> Please keep in mind that many, many hyears ago I learned the ole
>> arithmetic
> That hasn't changed and is honoured by numpy; you were probably confused by
> the new tool ;)
>> and an not trying to start a flame war.
>> Thanks in advance for the assistance tha I am sure will be most helpful.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Thanks very much.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.	Life is a fuzzy set	Stochastic and multivariate
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype:  smolnar1

From amutsikiwa at  Fri Jan  6 07:55:01 2017
From: amutsikiwa at (Admire Mutsikiwa)
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 14:55:01 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Challenges with psycopg2 on Python 3.2
Message-ID: <>

I am running Python on Debian 7 Wheezy. I am having challenges with
psycopg2 on python 3.2. However, it is working well on python 2.7.  When I
do import psycopg2 on Python 2.7, the system will not complain.  However,
it screams on the Python3.2 prompt, it gives
>>>  import psycopg2
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    import psycopg2
IndentationError: unexpected indent

I am new to Python and wants to work with Python 3

Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


From alan.gauld at  Fri Jan  6 12:48:15 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 17:48:15 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Challenges with psycopg2 on Python 3.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o4ol8p$u52$>

On 06/01/17 12:55, Admire Mutsikiwa wrote:

> it screams on the Python3.2 prompt, it gives

Hardly screaming, rather a polite complaint that you've
messed up your indentation.

>>>>  import psycopg2
>   File "<stdin>", line 1
>     import psycopg2
>     ^
> IndentationError: unexpected indent

I'll guess that you have a space or two in front of import.
Python is very fussy about spacing at the front of lines,
aka indentation.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From rikudou__sennin at  Tue Jan 10 12:56:54 2017
From: rikudou__sennin at (adil gourinda)
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 17:56:54 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] small remark
Message-ID: <>

   When I was surfing in ?Python Library? I made some observations and I want to share them with you in attention to have an answer :

   1) I suggest some changes in the following sections :


*date.replace(year=self.year, month=self.month,

   ? . For example, if "d == date(2002, 12, 31)", then "d.replace(day=26) == date(2002,    12, 26)".

->change to:

*date.replace(year=self.year, month=self.month,

    ? . For example:

   >>> d=date(2002,12,31)
  >>> d.replace(day=26), 12, 26)



? . For example, "date(2002, 12, 4).weekday() == 2", a Wednesday. ? .

?change to :


    ? . For example:

   >>> date(2002, 12, 4).weekday()
  2 (a Wednesday)



? . For example, "date(2002, 12, 4).isoweekday() == 3", a Wednesday. ? .

?change to:


       ? . For example:

    >>> date(2002, 12, 4).isoweekday()



? . For example, "date(2002, 12, 4).isoformat() == '2002-12-04'".

?change to:


        ? . For example:

    >>> date(2002, 12, 4).isoformat()



..., for example "date(2002, 12, 4).ctime() == 'Wed Dec 4 00:00:00 2002'". ? .

?change to :


     ..., for example:

     >>> date(2002, 12, 4).ctime()
   'Wed Dec 4 00:00:00 2002'



..., for example "datetime(2002, 12, 4, 20, 30, 40).ctime() == 'Wed Dec 4 20:30:40

2002'". ....

?change to:


    ..., for example:

    >>> datetime(2002, 12, 4, 20, 30, 40).ctime()
   'Wed Dec 4 20:30:40 2002'

    Those are examples in script format that the reader can try them which make the documentation more understandable for beginners like me.

   2) If we compare some methods between them we will find some methods more generalized than others, So why we continue to use the latter :

* List.insert(i,x) vs List.append(x) vs List.extend(x) :

   list.append(x) is restricted in the number of items in comparison with list.extend(x) and it is restricted in the position of items in comparison with list.insert(i,x), So I don?t see the utility of list.append(x) in front of the two others method.

* For log function I suggest this optimization in its presentation :

math.log(x[, base])

    With one argument, return the natural logarithm of *x* (to base *e*).

    With two arguments, return the logarithm of *x* to the given *base*,                    calculated as "log(x)/log(base)".


    Return the base-2 logarithm of *x*. This is usually more accurate than "log(x, 2)".



    Return the base-10 logarithm of *x*. This is usually more accurate than "log(x, 10)".


math.log(x[, base])

    *return the logarithm of *x* to the given *base*, calculated as "log(x)/log(base)".

   *if base is omitted=> return the natural logarithm of *x* (to base *e*).

   *if base=2 => math.log2(x): Return the base-2 logarithm of *x*. This is usually          more accurate than "log(x, 2)".

   *if base=10 => math.log10(x): Return the base-10 logarithm of *x*. This is              usually more accurate than "log(x, 10)".

   Thank you for your attention and I wish I was helpful  [?]

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jan 11 05:21:32 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 10:21:32 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] small remark
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o550v7$p61$>

On 10/01/17 17:56, adil gourinda wrote:
>    When I was surfing in ?Python Library? I made some observations and I want to share them 

That's good and as a place to discuss those observations the
tutor list is a suitable forum. However, if you want the
proposals considered for actual implementation, you will
need to submit them via the bug tracker on

> *date.replace(year=self.year, month=self.month,
>    ? . For example, if "d == date(2002, 12, 31)", then "d.replace(day=26) == date(2002,    12, 26)".
> ->change to:
> *date.replace(year=self.year, month=self.month,
>     ? . For example:
>    >>> d=date(2002,12,31)
>   >>> d.replace(day=26)
>, 12, 26)

I see what you are getting at but I guess the current form is more
compact and that's why it was chosen.

> *date.weekday()
> ? . For example, "date(2002, 12, 4).weekday() == 2", a Wednesday. ? .
> ?change to :
> *date.weekday()
>     ? . For example:
>    >>> date(2002, 12, 4).weekday()
>   2 (a Wednesday)

>     Those are examples in script format that the reader can try

They are not really in "script" form, they are in
interactive interpreter form which is actually different
to when used in a script, but I guess that's what you
mean - that they can be typed at the interpreter.

Of course the existing examples can be typed at the interpreter
too, but they just return True...

>    2) If we compare some methods between them we will find 
> some methods more generalized than others,
> So why we continue to use the latter :

There can be many reasons:
1) the specific method might be easier to use in the most common cases
2) the generalised method may be less efficient than the specialized
3) there may be a large body of legacy code that uses the specialised
version and it would be a lot of work to change it.
4) there may be subtle differences in the way the methods work for
certain data types

> * List.insert(i,x) vs List.append(x) vs List.extend(x) :
>    list.append(x) is restricted in the number of items in comparison with list.extend(x) 

No, the both take exactly 1 item each. The item can be a list. but...
They do slightly different things. for example compare

lst = [0]

lst2 = [0]

If we were to get rid of append, say, then the use of
extend to replicate append's functionality gets a bit

lst3 = [0]

> it is restricted in the position of items in comparison 
> with list.insert(i,x),

But you can't replicate extend() with insert() - at
least I can't think of a way. And even for appending, if
you don't know the size of the list you wind up with:

lst.insert(len(lst), data)

Which is both messy and slow.

> So I don?t see the utility of list.append(x) 

Appending is by far the most commonly used of
the three operations and append() is simpler and
it is faster - it doesn't have to do anything complex
like unpack its arguments(extend) or break open a
list and rearrange the contents(insert) it just
adds whatever it is given to the end.

> * For log function I suggest ...

I'm not familiar with the log functions but I suspect
performance of the most common scenarios may be the
reasons here too, but I'll leave others to comment
more fully.

Finally, it is probably possible to build optimised
versions of the general functions that would
recognise the special cases and treat them
differently. And if enough people ask for it somebody
may take the time to do it. But if you really want
it you need to discuss it via the official channels.

Python certainly does have a lot of redundant
functions - just look at how many ways there are to
start an external program (system/popen/command/
call/Popen/fork/exec etc...) And even when the docs
try hard to direct people to the recommended
option (like the subprocess module) many just
prefer the older ways because they know them,
or they are slightly simpler to use.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From rampappula at  Wed Jan 11 01:31:54 2017
From: rampappula at (ramakrishna reddy)
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 22:31:54 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Convert tuple within tuple into single tuple
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,

Is there any way to convert x = (1, 2, 3, (4, 5)) to x = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in
python 2.7

Thanks  in advance

From unee0x at  Tue Jan 10 21:53:04 2017
From: unee0x at (kay Cee)
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 21:53:04 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Importing classes
Message-ID: <>

Is there a proper way to import  a class from a module? If so, please tell.

Thank You,

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jan 11 14:50:11 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 19:50:11 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Importing classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o5629d$i4u$>

On 11/01/17 02:53, kay Cee wrote:
> Is there a proper way to import  a class from a module? If so, please tell.

The most common way is probably:

>>> from mymodule import Myclass
>>>  myobject = Myclass()

but its just as good to do

>>> import mymodule
>>> myobject = mymodule.Myclass()

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jan 11 14:57:51 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 19:57:51 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Convert tuple within tuple into single tuple
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o562np$gcc$>

On 11/01/17 06:31, ramakrishna reddy wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there any way to convert x = (1, 2, 3, (4, 5)) to x = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in
> python 2.7

You can write a function(*) to flatten the data structure,
but you need to be careful and think through how you
expect it to handle strings, say... or dictionaries?
Or user defined collection objects?

That's probably why there is no built-in method to flatten
a data structure.

Such functions are often recursive in nature looking
something like this list based example from my tutorial:

def printList(L):
    # if its empty do nothing
    if not L: return
    # if it's a list call printList on 1st element
    if type(L[0]) == type([]):
    else: #no list so just print
        print( L[0] ) # now process the rest of L
    printList( L[1:] )

Obviously that prints rather than building a new list
but it should be fairly easy to modify it.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From emilevansebille at  Wed Jan 11 15:05:47 2017
From: emilevansebille at (Emile van Sebille)
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 12:05:47 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Convert tuple within tuple into single tuple
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o5636n$79g$>

On 01/10/2017 10:31 PM, ramakrishna reddy wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there any way to convert x = (1, 2, 3, (4, 5)) to x = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in
> python 2.7


# /usr/bin/env python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 22 2012, 02:37:18)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> import itertools
 >>> a = list(itertools.chain((1,2,3),(4,5)))
 >>> a
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


From __peter__ at  Wed Jan 11 16:02:36 2017
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 22:02:36 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Convert tuple within tuple into single tuple
References: <>
Message-ID: <o566h7$c82$>

ramakrishna reddy wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is there any way to convert x = (1, 2, 3, (4, 5)) to x = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
> in python 2.7

Is the structure of x always the same? 

Then you can build a new tuple from

>>> x[:-1]  # all items but the last
(1, 2, 3)


>>> x[-1]  # the last item
(4, 5)

by concatenating them:

>>> x[:-1] + x[-1]
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

From adeadmarshal at  Fri Jan 13 01:59:00 2017
From: adeadmarshal at (Ali Moradi)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 10:29:00 +0330
Subject: [Tutor] problem with python3 Tkinter scroll bar
Message-ID: <>

Hi. i can't fix this error in my code about scroll bar. what should i do?
i'm a beginner in Python plz help.

From adeadmarshal at  Fri Jan 13 01:55:51 2017
From: adeadmarshal at (Ali Moradi)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 10:25:51 +0330
Subject: [Tutor] problem with scroll in Tkinter
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Ali Moradi <adeadmarshal at> wrote:

> hi. I've written this code and i can't fix the scrollbar error. i am a
> beginner in Python plz help. this is python3 code.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jan 13 04:18:04 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 09:18:04 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] problem with scroll in Tkinter
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o5a605$6lg$>

On 13/01/17 06:55, Ali Moradi wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Ali Moradi <adeadmarshal at> wrote:
>> hi. I've written this code and i can't fix the scrollbar error. i am a
>> beginner in Python plz help. this is python3 code.

You've posted 70+ lines of code but no indication of the problem.
I'd suggest that you:

1) simplify your code to remove all irrelevant bits, that way
you can focus on what is actually the issue. So remove all
the sqlite query stuff and all the ttk styling stuff
 - unless the problem is the styling of course!

2) post the simplified code with a clear description of the
problem - what did you expect? what did you get? Were there
any error messages (you'll need to run it from a terminal to
see them)

By the time you remove the irrelevant stuff it should
be small enough to post within the email (using plain text)
which will encourage more people to look at it.

Please don't expect us to run code received from complete
strangers, especially since you've already told us its got
bugs in it!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From __peter__ at  Fri Jan 13 05:42:52 2017
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 11:42:52 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] problem with scroll in Tkinter
References: <>
Message-ID: <o5aav8$p31$>

Ali Moradi wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Ali Moradi <adeadmarshal at>
> wrote:
>> hi. I've written this code and i can't fix the scrollbar error. i am a
>> beginner in Python plz help. this is python3 code.

According to

yscrollcommand has to be configured on the list box, i. e. instead of


you need


Other problems:

* Chaining grid doesn't work; self.text is set to None here:

        self.text = tk.Text(self.frame_content, width=60, 
height=30).grid(row=1, column=1)

* You access self.db before you set it.
* column=1 is used for both Scrollbar and Text widget.

From nicole at  Fri Jan 13 10:40:25 2017
From: nicole at (Nicole King)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 12:10:25 -0330
Subject: [Tutor] Editing Data in Non Versioned SDE Using python With An
 Update Cursor
Message-ID: <!&!>



I have a python script that calculates  x coordinates , y coordinates for a
point geometry that sits within a feature dataset of an SDE (SQL Express).
The script worked fine on a file geodatabase however when it runs on the SDE
feature class, it stalls at the updateCursor function.


"ERROR: 999999: Error executing function....Objects in the class cannot be
updated outside an edit session [FSB.DBO.Structures]"  


The script breaks on updCursor.updateRow(row):


workspace = arcpy.env.workspace ="insertworkspace"
edit = arcpy.da.Editor(workspace)

edit.startEditing(False, True)

updCursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(projectedFC,"", spatialRef)
for row in updCursor:
    pnt = row.Shape.getPart(0)
    row.POINT_X = pnt.X
    row.POINT_Y = pnt.Y

del updCursor, row






If anyone has any information, ideas or input on editing data in non
versioned SDE with a update cursor using python it would be greatly



Thank you,


Nicole King
Forest Interpretation Specialist
Resource Innovations Inc. 
Bus: (709) 639-8275
Fax: (709) 639-8758



From s.molnar at  Fri Jan 13 13:39:28 2017
From: s.molnar at (S. P. Molnar)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:39:28 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Incorporate an Integer as part of a Label
Message-ID: <>

I am a very new python pseudo-programmer (Fortran II was my first 
language eons ago) and have encountered a problem that is giving me fits 
(google is no help).

I have written a python program that takes the output from a quantum 
chemistry program, carries out some calculations and saves two files a 
figure as a png file and the spectrum of the molecule as a csv file.

The problem that I am having is incorporating the numerical designator 
of the molecule in the names of the files.

I've managed to figure out how to input the numerical designator:

name_1 = input("Enter Molecule Number: ")
name_1 =str(name_1)
print('Name 1 = ',name_1)
name = name_1 + '.out.abs.dat'
data_1 = np.loadtxt(name, skiprows=0)

As there are two different output files involved with each orca 
calculation I go through the above lines again for the second file with 
the dame numerical integer input.

The problem is how do I get teh numerical molecule designator into the 
label I want to use for the two results of the Python calculation?

plt.title("Absorption Spectrum (<number>)")

plt.savefig('<number>.png', bboxinches='tight')


with open('<number>.csv', 'w') as f:

where <number> is the integer molefule number designator that is the 
only input for the calculation.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.	Life is a fuzzy set	Stochastic and multivariate
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype:  smolnar1

From zemmoura.khalil at  Fri Jan 13 17:04:10 2017
From: zemmoura.khalil at (ZEMMOURA Khalil Zakaria)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 23:04:10 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] file opened by open() are closed automaticaly
Message-ID: <20170113220409.GA2633@sheltron.localdomain>


I am playing with python3.6 and i noticed a change in the behaviour of the open() builtin function.

The file opened using open() is closed automaticaly after iterationg over it in the python shell

Here is the dummy code i am using:

# Beggin

testfile = open('test.txt')
for line in testfile:

# End

the first time the code runs well and gives me the expected result.
the secod time that i run the loop, nothing is printed on the screen.

when i type:

testfile.close and press the tab key to autocomplete:

here is what i get
>>> testfile.close( testfile.closed
when i run that commande and ignore the message:
nothing is prined on the terminal, and python runs the commande as if the file is still opened.

i searched in the doc and this behaviour is not documented.

I don't now if it is a bug or i didn't search in the right place.


From __peter__ at  Sat Jan 14 04:45:05 2017
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2017 10:45:05 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] file opened by open() are closed automaticaly
References: <20170113220409.GA2633@sheltron.localdomain>
Message-ID: <o5cruv$dno$>

ZEMMOURA Khalil Zakaria wrote:

> Hi,
> I am playing with python3.6 and i noticed a change in the behaviour of the
> open() builtin function.
> The file opened using open() is closed automaticaly after iterationg over
> it in the python shell
> Here is the dummy code i am using:
> # Beggin
> testfile = open('test.txt')
> for line in testfile:
>     print(line)
> # End
> the first time the code runs well and gives me the expected result.
> the secod time that i run the loop, nothing is printed on the screen.

That is not new. The file is not closed, you have just reached the end of it

>>> f = open("tmp.txt")
>>> for line in f: print(line, end="")
>>> for line in f: print(line, end="")

You can move the file pointer with seek:

>>> for line in f: print(line, end="")

> when i type:
> testfile.close and press the tab key to autocomplete:
> here is what i get
>>>> testfile.close( testfile.closed

There is an attribute "closed" that tells you the state of the file and a 
close() method that closes an open file and does nothing if the file is 
already closed:

>>> f.close()
>>> f.closed
>>> f.close()

When you try to iterate over a closed file an exception is raised:

>>> for line in f: print(line, end="")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.

> when i run that commande and ignore the message:
> testfile.close()
> nothing is prined on the terminal, and python runs the commande as if the
> file is still opened.

I doubt that.
> i searched in the doc and this behaviour is not documented.

The documentation is not as concise as one might wish. Have a look at 

> I don't now if it is a bug or i didn't search in the right place.

No bug.

From __peter__ at  Sat Jan 14 04:53:43 2017
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2017 10:53:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Incorporate an Integer as part of a Label
References: <>
Message-ID: <o5csf3$ri8$>

S. P. Molnar wrote:

> I am a very new python pseudo-programmer (Fortran II was my first
> language eons ago) and have encountered a problem that is giving me fits
> (google is no help).
> I have written a python program that takes the output from a quantum
> chemistry program, carries out some calculations and saves two files a
> figure as a png file and the spectrum of the molecule as a csv file.
> The problem that I am having is incorporating the numerical designator
> of the molecule in the names of the files.
> I've managed to figure out how to input the numerical designator:
> name_1 = input("Enter Molecule Number: ")
> name_1 =str(name_1)
> print('Name 1 = ',name_1)
> name = name_1 + '.out.abs.dat'
> data_1 = np.loadtxt(name, skiprows=0)
> As there are two different output files involved with each orca
> calculation I go through the above lines again for the second file with
> the dame numerical integer input.
> The problem is how do I get teh numerical molecule designator into the
> label I want to use for the two results of the Python calculation?
> plt.title("Absorption Spectrum (<number>)")
> plt.savefig('<number>.png', bboxinches='tight')
> and
> with open('<number>.csv', 'w') as f:
> where <number> is the integer molefule number designator that is the
> only input for the calculation.

Have a look at the str.format() method:

>>> number = 42
>>> title = "absorption spectrum {}".format(number)
>>> title
'absorption spectrum 42'

There are many bells and whistles:

>>> filename = "data-{number:05}.{suffix}".format(number=number, 
>>> filename

See <>
for the details.

From __peter__ at  Sat Jan 14 05:08:54 2017
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2017 11:08:54 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Editing Data in Non Versioned SDE Using python With An
 Update Cursor
References: <!&!>
Message-ID: <o5ctbi$bns$>

Nicole King wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a python script that calculates  x coordinates , y coordinates for
> a point geometry that sits within a feature dataset of an SDE (SQL
> Express). The script worked fine on a file geodatabase however when it
> runs on the SDE feature class, it stalls at the updateCursor function.
> "ERROR: 999999: Error executing function....Objects in the class cannot be
> updated outside an edit session [FSB.DBO.Structures]"
> The script breaks on updCursor.updateRow(row):
> workspace = arcpy.env.workspace ="insertworkspace"
> edit = arcpy.da.Editor(workspace)
> edit.startEditing(False, True)
> edit.startOperation()
> updCursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(projectedFC,"", spatialRef)

After reading

I would guess that the second argument has to be a list of field names, i. 

updCursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(
    ["POINT_X", "POINT_Y"], 

> for row in updCursor:
>     pnt = row.Shape.getPart(0)
>     row.POINT_X = pnt.X
>     row.POINT_Y = pnt.Y
>     updCursor.updateRow(row)
> del updCursor, row
> edit.stopOperation()
> edit.stopEditing(True)
> If anyone has any information, ideas or input on editing data in non
> versioned SDE with a update cursor using python it would be greatly
> appreciated.

The goal of the tutor mailing list is to help newbies with the Python 
language, the standard library, and common external packages.

As yours is a specialist topic you will most likely get better answers when 
you ask questions concerning arcgis on a dedicated mailing list or forum.

From steve at  Sat Jan 14 05:09:31 2017
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2017 21:09:31 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Editing Data in Non Versioned SDE Using python With An
 Update Cursor
In-Reply-To: <!&!>
References: <!&!>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 12:10:25PM -0330, Nicole King wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a python script that calculates  x coordinates , y coordinates for a
> point geometry that sits within a feature dataset of an SDE (SQL Express).

It looks like you are using arcpy, which is a specialised piece of 
software that I know very little about. I don't think anyone else here 
does either, although you might get lucky.

But I might try to *guess* an answer. See below.

If nobody gives you a good answer, you may have to take your question to 
a specialised arcpy forum or mailing list.

But one thing they will almost certainly want is to see more than just 
the final error message:

> "ERROR: 999999: Error executing function....Objects in the class cannot be
> updated outside an edit session [FSB.DBO.Structures]"  

They will almost certainly want to see the entire traceback, starting 
from the line


and ending with the error you quoted.

Your code is:

> workspace = arcpy.env.workspace ="insertworkspace"
> edit = arcpy.da.Editor(workspace)
> edit.startEditing(False, True)
> edit.startOperation()
> updCursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(projectedFC,"", spatialRef)
> for row in updCursor:
>     pnt = row.Shape.getPart(0)
>     row.POINT_X = pnt.X
>     row.POINT_Y = pnt.Y
>     updCursor.updateRow(row)
> del updCursor, row
> edit.stopOperation()
> edit.stopEditing(True)

My *guess* here is that maybe you need to change the "edit.startEditing" 
line. You have:

    edit.startEditing(False, True)

but maybe it needs to be 

    edit.startEditing(True, True)

or something? Try reading the documentation for that command and see if 
that helps.

Good luck!


From ben+python at  Sat Jan 14 06:04:21 2017
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2017 22:04:21 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] file opened by open() are closed automaticaly
References: <20170113220409.GA2633@sheltron.localdomain>
Message-ID: <>

ZEMMOURA Khalil Zakaria <zemmoura.khalil at> writes:

> The file opened using open() is closed automaticaly after iterationg
> over it in the python shell

You can interrogate a file to ask whether it is closed; the ?closed?
attribute will be True when the file is closed.

> testfile = open('test.txt')
> for line in testfile:
>     print(line)

What happens if you insert this line before the ?print? statement::

    for line in testfile:
        assert (not testfile.closed), "file was closed unexpectedly!"

If what you say is true, that ?assert? statement will raise an exception
with that custom message.

> the first time the code runs well and gives me the expected result.
> the secod time that i run the loop, nothing is printed on the screen.

If you try to read from a file that is already closed, an error occurs::

    >>> testfile.close()
    >>> testfile.readline()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.

But you're not getting that error. So, some other reason explains the
lack of output.

 \       ?? whoever claims any right that he is unwilling to accord to |
  `\             his fellow-men is dishonest and infamous.? ?Robert G. |
_o__)           Ingersoll, _The Liberty of Man, Woman and Child_, 1877 |
Ben Finney

From zemmoura.khalil at  Sat Jan 14 18:09:20 2017
From: zemmoura.khalil at (ZEMMOURA Khalil Zakaria)
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2017 00:09:20 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] file opened by open() are closed automaticaly
In-Reply-To: <o5cruv$dno$>
References: <20170113220409.GA2633@sheltron.localdomain>
Message-ID: <20170114230919.GB4447@sheltron.localdomain>

Thanks a lot.

that helped me to understand that behaviour.

Best regards.

From adeadmarshal at  Mon Jan 16 10:11:45 2017
From: adeadmarshal at (Ali Moradi)
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 18:41:45 +0330
Subject: [Tutor] Searching db while typing on Entry widget
Message-ID: <>

Hi. i want to search one field of my db while i type text in my Entry
widget. how can i do that? and another problem is that now when i click on
one of the item lists it always writes the first field of my db in the Text
widget, i think i did the loop wrong maybe but i am not sure. #!
/usr/bin/env python3
#GeologyDict by Ali M
import sqlite3 as sqlite
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import Text
from tkinter import Entry
from tkinter import Scrollbar
from tkinter import ttk

#GUI Widgets

class GeologyDict:
    def __init__(self, master):

        master.resizable(False, False)
        master.configure(background='#EAFFCD') = ttk.Style()"TFrame", background='#EAFFCD')"TButton", background='#EAFFCD')"TLabel", background='#EAFFCD')

        self.frame_header = ttk.Frame(master, relief=tk.FLAT)
        self.frame_header.pack(side=tk.TOP, padx=5, pady=5)

        self.logo = tk.PhotoImage(file=r'C:\Geologydict\eo.png')
        self.small_logo = self.logo.subsample(10, 10)

        ttk.Label(self.frame_header, image=self.small_logo).grid(row=0,
column=0, stick="ne", padx=5, pady=5, rowspan=2)
        ttk.Label(self.frame_header, text='EsperantoDict', font=('Arial',
18, 'bold')).grid(row=0, column=1)

        self.frame_content = ttk.Frame(master)

        self.entry_search = ttk.Entry(self.frame_content)
        self.entry_search.grid(row=0, column=0)
        self.entry_search.insert(tk.END, "Type to Search")
        self.entry_search.bind('<Button-1>', self.entry_delete)

        self.button_search = ttk.Button(self.frame_content, text="Search")
        aks = tk.PhotoImage(file=r'C:\Geologydict\search.png')
        small_aks = aks.subsample(3, 3)
        self.button_search.config(image=small_aks, compound=tk.LEFT)
        self.button_search.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2)

        self.listbox = tk.Listbox(self.frame_content, height=28)
        self.listbox.grid(row=1, column=0)
        self.scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self.frame_content,
orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=self.listbox.yview)
        self.scrollbar.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='ns')
        self.listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.enter_meaning)

        self.textbox = tk.Text(self.frame_content, width=60, height=27)
        self.textbox.grid(row=1, column=2)

    # SQLite
        self.db = sqlite.connect(r'C:\Geologydict\test.db')
        self.cur = self.db.cursor()
        self.cur.execute('SELECT Esperanto FROM words')
        for row in self.cur:
            self.listbox.insert(tk.END, row)

    # SQLite

    def enter_meaning(self, tag):
        if self.listbox.curselection():
            self.cur.execute('SELECT English FROM words')
            for row in self.cur:
                self.textbox.insert(tk.END, row)

    def entry_delete(self, tag):
        self.entry_search.delete(0, tk.END)
        return None

def main():
    root = tk.Tk()
    geologydict = GeologyDict(root)

if __name__ == '__main__': main()

From alan.gauld at  Mon Jan 16 19:08:55 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 00:08:55 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Searching db while typing on Entry widget
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o5jnag$3lk$>

On 16/01/17 15:11, Ali Moradi wrote:
> Hi. i want to search one field of my db while i type text in my Entry
> widget. how can i do that? 

Assuming you mean a live search type of thing, like Google etc
do then you need to bind the keypress (or maybe the key-up)
event to a function that does the search based on the current
contents of the entry box.

> and another problem is that now when i click on
> one of the item lists it always writes the first field of my db in the Text
> widget, i think i did the loop wrong maybe but i am not sure. #!

>     def enter_meaning(self, tag):
>         if self.listbox.curselection():
>             self.cur.execute('SELECT English FROM words')
>             for row in self.cur:
>                 self.cur.fetchall()

I suspect this should be outside the loop?
You presumably only want to fetchall once?
And then you want to loop over the results
you retrieved?

[Alternatively you can loop over the cursor
without the fetchall. I've never actually tried
that approach but it should work... Most of
the examples I've seen use the execute call
as the iteration though:

for row in cur.execute(....):

but iterating over the cursor after execute
might work too. But you should only use one
of those techniques not both.

Normally I'd do something like:

for row in cur.fetchall():

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From __peter__ at  Tue Jan 17 05:12:17 2017
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 11:12:17 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Searching db while typing on Entry widget
References: <>
Message-ID: <o5kqlu$mqo$>

Ali Moradi wrote:

> Hi. i want to search one field of my db while i type text in my Entry
> widget. how can i do that? 

Use a StringVar and set a callback with its trace() method:

> and another problem is that now when i click on
> one of the item lists it always writes the first field of my db in the
> Text widget, i think i did the loop wrong maybe but i am not sure.

As Alan says, either use fetchall() or iterate over the cursor

What you do:

# wrong!
for row in cursor:
    # fist iteration: row is now the first match
    cursor.fetchall()  # iterates over the remaining matches 
                       # and discards them. Therefore there are no
                       # iterations for the containing loop.


I dabbled with your code and will give my version below because there are 
enough changes that a diff will be hard to read. If the database table is 
big updating the Text widget directly in the trace callback will get slow, 
but for the small sample data that I used it worked sufficiently well. One 
simple quick fix would be to require a minimum length of the search string, 
but if you want to do it right you have to move the search into a separate 
thread and populate the Text widget from that.

import sqlite3 as sqlite
import tkinter as tk

from tkinter import Entry, Scrollbar, Text
from tkinter import ttk

class GeologyDict:
    def __init__(self, master):
        master.resizable(False, False)
        master.configure(background='#EAFFCD') = ttk.Style()"TFrame", background='#EAFFCD')"TButton", background='#EAFFCD')"TLabel", background='#EAFFCD')

        self.frame_header = ttk.Frame(master, relief=tk.FLAT)
        self.frame_header.pack(side=tk.TOP, padx=5, pady=5)

        self.logo = tk.PhotoImage(file=r'C:\Geologydict\eo.png')
        self.small_logo = self.logo.subsample(10, 10)

        label = ttk.Label(self.frame_header, image=self.small_logo)
            row=0, column=0, stick="ne",
            padx=5, pady=5, rowspan=2
        label = ttk.Label(
            self.frame_header, text='EsperantoDict',
            font=('Arial', 18, 'bold')
        label.grid(row=0, column=1)

        self.frame_content = ttk.Frame(master)

        self.entry_var = tk.StringVar()

        self.entry_search = ttk.Entry(
        self.entry_search.grid(row=0, column=0)
        self.entry_search.insert(tk.END, "Type to Search")
        self.entry_search.bind('<Button-1>', self.entry_delete)

        self.button_search = ttk.Button(
            self.frame_content, text="Search"
        aks = tk.PhotoImage(file=r'C:\Geologydict\search.png')
        small_aks = aks.subsample(3, 3)
        self.button_search.config(image=small_aks, compound=tk.LEFT)
        self.button_search.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2)

        self.listbox = tk.Listbox(self.frame_content, height=28)
        self.listbox.grid(row=1, column=0)
        self.scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(
        self.scrollbar.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='ns')
        self.listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.listbox_select)

        self.textbox = tk.Text(self.frame_content, width=60, height=27)
        self.textbox.grid(row=1, column=2)

        self.db = sqlite.connect(r'C:\Geologydict\test.db')
        self.cur = self.db.cursor()
        self.cur.execute('SELECT Esperanto FROM words')
        for row in self.cur:
            self.listbox.insert(tk.END, row)

        self.entry_var.trace("w", self.trace_entry)

    def trace_entry(self, *args):
            text = self.entry_var.get()
            self.enter_meaning(text, exact=False)
        except Exception as err:

    def listbox_select(self, event):
        text = self.listbox.get(
        self.enter_meaning(text, exact=True)

    def enter_meaning(self, token, exact=False):
        if exact:
            sql = (
                'SELECT Esperanto, English '
                'FROM words '
                'WHERE Esperanto = ?'
            sql = (
                'SELECT Esperanto, English '
                'FROM words '
                'WHERE Esperanto like ?'
            token = "%" + token.replace("%", "%%") + '%'
        self.cur.execute(sql, (token,))
        self.textbox.delete("1.0", tk.END)
        text = "\n\n".join(
            "{}. {} ? {}".format(index, *row)
            for index, row in enumerate(self.cur, 1)
        self.textbox.insert(tk.END, text)

    def entry_delete(self, tag):
        self.entry_search.delete(0, tk.END)
        return None

def main():
    root = tk.Tk()
    geologydict = GeologyDict(root)

if __name__ == '__main__':

From highseaspb at  Tue Jan 17 21:36:19 2017
From: highseaspb at (Laura Meldrum)
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 18:36:19 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
Subject: [Tutor] How can we learn to use Python
Message-ID: <>

HELP, PLEASE says to "download the Python 3.x version that is compatible with your operating system"
OK, but when I go to there is a seemingly endless list of possible downloads. What should I and my students download so they can learn some coding through
And, What if some students have MACs? Please advise.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jan 18 05:15:48 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 10:15:48 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] How can we learn to use Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o5nf8d$jh6$>

On 18/01/17 02:36, Laura Meldrum wrote:
> says to "download the Python 3.x version 
> that is compatible with your operating system"

So the first question is - what is your operating system?
Assuming it is a version of Windows then you next need to
find out whether it is 32bit or 64bit.

Prior to version 8 you can do that via the MyComputer
icon and right-clicking to get the properties dialog.
On windows 8 upwards you go to Settings->System->About.
Listed in the details will be a note about whether
it is 32bit or 64 bit.

Now you can go to the web site and navigate
to the Python 3.6 Windows Download section

where you should find options like:

Windows x86-64 executable installer

for 64 bit PCs and

Windows x86 executable installer

for 32 bit PCs.

Download whichever is appropriate.

You might want to also download the Windows Help File
since that will integrate better with your OS
and save you visiting the Python web site as often,
but it's not an essential item.

Finally, there is an alternative download site
that I usually recommend for Windows programmers
called and its Python package has
some extra tools and features specifically for
Windows programmers, but if you are complete
programming beginners you probably don't need
those yet.

> And, What if some students have MACs? 

Macs have Python installed by defauilt so they can
just open a Terminal window and type python at the
prompt. This version is fine for learning the basics.
BUT it is an older version of Python so you are
probably better installing the latest version...

On the same download page there is an option:

Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit installer

BUT, there are a few issues for Mac users especially
if you plan on using the IDLE development environment.
In that case I recommend going to the
web site and downloading their free community editions
of Activepython and ActiveTcl for Mac. That should
avoid any of the issues.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From sarika1989.08 at  Wed Jan 18 05:18:50 2017
From: sarika1989.08 at (Sarika Shrivastava)
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 15:48:50 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] How can I run this test script using selenium while making
 connection and running the code I am facing issue Please see my code below
Message-ID: <>

import unittest
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import time

class PythonOrgSearch(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.driver =
        # print self.driver

    def test_search_in_python_org(self):
        driver = self.driver

        # driver.get("")
        # self.assertIn("Python", driver.title)
        # elem = driver.find_element_by_name("q")
        # elem.send_keys("pycon")
        # elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN)
        # assert "No results found." not in driver.page_source

    def tearDown(self):
        # self.driver.close()

if __name__ == "__main__":

[image: Inline image 2]
Best regards,

Sarika Shrivastava
Associate Engineer

Continental Automotive Components (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
8th Floor, Gold Hill Supreme Software Park,
Plot No. 21, 22, 27 & 28, Shanthipura Road,
Electronics City, Phase II, Hosur Road,
Bangalore-560 100

Tel: +919741457409
Mobile: +919741457409
E-Mail: sarika.shrivastava at

From george at  Wed Jan 18 07:35:39 2017
From: george at (George Fischhof)
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 13:35:39 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How can I run this test script using selenium while
 making connection and running the code I am facing issue Please see my code
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2017-01-18 11:18 GMT+01:00 Sarika Shrivastava <sarika1989.08 at>:

> import unittest
> from selenium import webdriver
> from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
> import time
> class PythonOrgSearch(unittest.TestCase):
>     def setUp(self):
>         self.driver =
> webdriver.Chrome('C:\Users\uidk9685\Downloads\chromedriver.exe')
>         # print self.driver
>         time.sleep(0.5)
>     def test_search_in_python_org(self):
>         driver = self.driver
>         # driver.get("")
>         # self.assertIn("Python", driver.title)
>         # elem = driver.find_element_by_name("q")
>         # elem.send_keys("pycon")
>         # elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN)
>         # assert "No results found." not in driver.page_source
>     def tearDown(self):
>         pass
>         # self.driver.close()
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     unittest.main()
> [image: Inline image 2]
> --
> Best regards,
> Sarika Shrivastava
> Associate Engineer
> Continental Automotive Components (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
> 8th Floor, Gold Hill Supreme Software Park,
> Plot No. 21, 22, 27 & 28, Shanthipura Road,
> Electronics City, Phase II, Hosur Road,
> Bangalore-560 100
> Tel: +919741457409
> Mobile: +919741457409
> E-Mail: sarika.shrivastava at
> Web:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Hi Sarika,

maybe it is better and easyer to use pytest instead of unittest.
pytest automaticallt finds the tests in files named test_*.py or *,
and will run functions with the similar names.

You can find pytest documentation on the following link:

and pytest can be installed by pip:
pip install pytest


From george at  Wed Jan 18 07:45:37 2017
From: george at (George Fischhof)
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 13:45:37 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How can I run this test script using selenium while
 making connection and running the code I am facing issue Please see my code
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2017-01-18 11:18 GMT+01:00 Sarika Shrivastava <sarika1989.08 at>:

> import unittest
> from selenium import webdriver
> from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
> import time
> class PythonOrgSearch(unittest.TestCase):
>     def setUp(self):
>         self.driver =
> webdriver.Chrome('C:\Users\uidk9685\Downloads\chromedriver.exe')
>         # print self.driver
>         time.sleep(0.5)
>     def test_search_in_python_org(self):
>         driver = self.driver
>         # driver.get("")
>         # self.assertIn("Python", driver.title)
>         # elem = driver.find_element_by_name("q")
>         # elem.send_keys("pycon")
>         # elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN)
>         # assert "No results found." not in driver.page_source
>     def tearDown(self):
>         pass
>         # self.driver.close()
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     unittest.main()
> [image: Inline image 2]
> --
> Best regards,
> Sarika Shrivastava
> Associate Engineer
> Continental Automotive Components (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
> 8th Floor, Gold Hill Supreme Software Park,
> Plot No. 21, 22, 27 & 28, Shanthipura Road,
> Electronics City, Phase II, Hosur Road,
> Bangalore-560 100
> Tel: +919741457409
> Mobile: +919741457409
> E-Mail: sarika.shrivastava at
> Web:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

I am sorry, I saw only the first part of the title of Your message. And I
thought that You have issues with the unittest framework.
For web automation I use the library splinter, which uses selenium, but it
is easier.


From sarika1989.08 at  Wed Jan 18 21:29:06 2017
From: sarika1989.08 at (Sarika Shrivastava)
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 07:59:06 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] How can I run this test script using selenium while
 making connection and running the code I am facing issue Please see my code
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes I dont have issue with unittest framework but i dont have to reconized
my issue How can I resolve this issue ??
So I need to use splinter???

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 7:56 AM, Sarika Shrivastava <sarika1989.08 at
> wrote:

> Yes I dont have issue with unittest framework but i dont have to reconized
> my issue How can I resolve this issue ??
> So I need to use splinter???
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 6:15 PM, George Fischhof <george at>
> wrote:
>> 2017-01-18 11:18 GMT+01:00 Sarika Shrivastava <sarika1989.08 at>:
>>> import unittest
>>> from selenium import webdriver
>>> from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
>>> import time
>>> class PythonOrgSearch(unittest.TestCase):
>>>     def setUp(self):
>>>         self.driver =
>>> webdriver.Chrome('C:\Users\uidk9685\Downloads\chromedriver.exe')
>>>         # print self.driver
>>>         time.sleep(0.5)
>>>     def test_search_in_python_org(self):
>>>         driver = self.driver
>>>         # driver.get("")
>>>         # self.assertIn("Python", driver.title)
>>>         # elem = driver.find_element_by_name("q")
>>>         # elem.send_keys("pycon")
>>>         # elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN)
>>>         # assert "No results found." not in driver.page_source
>>>     def tearDown(self):
>>>         pass
>>>         # self.driver.close()
>>> if __name__ == "__main__":
>>>     unittest.main()
>>> [image: Inline image 2]
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sarika Shrivastava
>>> Associate Engineer
>>> Continental Automotive Components (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
>>> 8th Floor, Gold Hill Supreme Software Park,
>>> Plot No. 21, 22, 27 & 28, Shanthipura Road,
>>> Electronics City, Phase II, Hosur Road,
>>> Bangalore-560 100
>>> Tel: +919741457409 <+91%2097414%2057409>
>>> Mobile: +919741457409 <+91%2097414%2057409>
>>> E-Mail: sarika.shrivastava at
>>> Web:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>>> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
>> I am sorry, I saw only the first part of the title of Your message. And I
>> thought that You have issues with the unittest framework.
>> For web automation I use the library splinter, which uses selenium, but
>> it is easier.
>> BR,
>> George
> --
> Best regards,
> Sarika Shrivastava
> Associate Engineer
> Continental Automotive Components (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
> 8th Floor, Gold Hill Supreme Software Park,
> Plot No. 21, 22, 27 & 28, Shanthipura Road,
> Electronics City, Phase II, Hosur Road,
> Bangalore-560 100
> Tel: +919741457409 <+91%2097414%2057409>
> Mobile: +919741457409 <+91%2097414%2057409>
> E-Mail: sarika.shrivastava at
> Web:

Best regards,

Sarika Shrivastava
Associate Engineer

Continental Automotive Components (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
8th Floor, Gold Hill Supreme Software Park,
Plot No. 21, 22, 27 & 28, Shanthipura Road,
Electronics City, Phase II, Hosur Road,
Bangalore-560 100

Tel: +919741457409
Mobile: +919741457409
E-Mail: sarika.shrivastava at

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jan 19 05:43:27 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 10:43:27 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] How can I run this test script using selenium while
 making connection and running the code I am facing issue Please see my code
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o5q588$etr$>

On 19/01/17 02:29, Sarika Shrivastava wrote:
> Yes I dont have issue with unittest framework but i dont have to reconized
> my issue How can I resolve this issue ??

What is the issue? You haven't told us what is wrong.
What happens? What did you expect to happen?
Are there any error messages? If so post them so we can see.

Since the code you have posted does virtually nothing it's
hard to guess what might be going wrong.

> So I need to use splinter???

Probably not, since splinter is built on top of selenium.
But it might be slightly easier to use - I don't know since
I've never heard of it before.

>>>> import unittest
>>>> from selenium import webdriver
>>>> from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
>>>> import time
>>>> class PythonOrgSearch(unittest.TestCase):
>>>>     def setUp(self):
>>>>         self.driver =
>>>> webdriver.Chrome('C:\Users\uidk9685\Downloads\chromedriver.exe')
>>>>         # print self.driver
>>>>         time.sleep(0.5)
>>>>     def test_search_in_python_org(self):
>>>>         driver = self.driver

This line doesn't do much, it only saves you typing 'self.' twice
in the commented code.

>>>>         # driver.get("")
>>>>         # self.assertIn("Python", driver.title)
>>>>         # elem = driver.find_element_by_name("q")
>>>>         # elem.send_keys("pycon")
>>>>         # elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN)
>>>>         # assert "No results found." not in driver.page_source
>>>>     def tearDown(self):
>>>>         pass
>>>>         # self.driver.close()
>>>> if __name__ == "__main__":
>>>>     unittest.main()

>>>> [image: Inline image 2]

I'm not sure if this image was relevant or not but as
a text based list images often get stripped by the
server... If there was useful information in it you
will need to describe it or, if it was textual,
paste it into the body

Finally, selenium is a bit off-topic for this list
since it's not part of the core library or language.
You might get a better response on the selenium
support forum.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From adsquaired at  Thu Jan 19 16:29:16 2017
From: adsquaired at (ad^2)
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 16:29:16 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Another way to strip?
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

I'm looking for a cleaner more elegant way to achieve stripping out a file
name from a list which contains a path and file extension.


my_list = ['/var/tmp/',

>>> for i in my_list:
...     i.strip('/var/tmp/.zip')


or in the case the directory may change in the future I can use variables

>>> path = '/var/tmp/'
>>> extension = '.zip'

for i in my_list:
...     i.strip(path + extension)

The results are what I need but is there another way to perform the same



From alan.gauld at  Thu Jan 19 19:40:46 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 00:40:46 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Another way to strip?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o5rma7$dbc$>

On 19/01/17 21:29, ad^2 wrote:

> I'm looking for a cleaner more elegant way to achieve stripping out a file
> name from a list which contains a path and file extension.
> Ex.
> my_list = ['/var/tmp/',
> '/var/tmp/',

Take a look at the os.path module. It has lots of utility functions
for splitting paths into their various bits and as a bonus it caters for
all the different OS path formats too. Its likely to be both
easier to use and more reliable than trying to use string functions
on the path.

In your case os.path.basename() is likely to be the best option.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From dyoo at  Thu Jan 19 19:42:03 2017
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 16:42:03 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Another way to strip?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 19, 2017 4:36 PM, "ad^2" <adsquaired at> wrote:

Hello all,

I'm looking for a cleaner more elegant way to achieve stripping out a file
name from a list which contains a path and file extension.

Would os.path.split help here?

From steve at  Thu Jan 19 19:53:09 2017
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 11:53:09 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Another way to strip?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 04:29:16PM -0500, ad^2 wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm looking for a cleaner more elegant way to achieve stripping out a file
> name from a list which contains a path and file extension.
> Ex.
> my_list = ['/var/tmp/',
> '/var/tmp/',
> '/var/tmp/']
> >>> for i in my_list:
> ...     i.strip('/var/tmp/.zip')

That doesn't do what you think it does! That strips off each individual 
character '/', 'v', 'a', 'r', ... 'i', 'p' from the front and back of 
the string. If the format of the name changes, this could be 

py> path = '/var/tmp/'
py> path.strip('/var/tmp/.zip')  # expecting tz-19_08-40-30_4205-a

What you want is the basename of the path, less the extension:

py> import os
py> path = '/var/tmp/'
py> os.path.basename(path)
py> os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]

That's a bit unwieldy, so create a helper function:

import os
def base(path):
    return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]

Now you can safely use this on your list:

for path in my_list:

Or if you want a new list, you can use a list comprehension:

filenames = [base(path) for path in my_list]

or the map() function:

# Python 2
filenames = map(base, my_list)

# Python 3
filenames = list(map(base, my_list))


From sourceonly at  Tue Jan 24 21:55:30 2017
From: sourceonly at (source liu)
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 02:55:30 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Feature or ... after python 2.7
Message-ID: <>


Yesterday, someone hacked in my server and running some bad thing ,  but I
do find something interesting

After I inspected processes,  I found if you are using python version above
2.7. (2.7.16 if I remembered it correctly),  one could run python script
with perl

#!/bin/env python
print "I am python"

I am python

But it would fail if you tried to use python2.6(which go with rhel6.8)

really interesting

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jan 25 04:03:24 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:03:24 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Feature or ... after python 2.7
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o69pkk$9mc$>

On 25/01/17 02:55, source liu wrote:

> 2.7. (2.7.16 if I remembered it correctly),  one could run python script
> with perl
> $cat
> #!/bin/env python
> print "I am python"
> $perl
> I am python

That is just because this particular print statement
is compatible with Perl. If you had tried anything
more complex then it would have bombed.

> But it would fail if you tried to use python2.6(which go with rhel6.8)

I'm not sure what you mean here but you could run the
code above in any version of Python v2 or perl and
it should work. The first6 line is a comment so
ignored by both perl and python. And the print
statement works in both languages.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From sourceonly at  Wed Jan 25 12:32:36 2017
From: sourceonly at (source liu)
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 17:32:36 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Feature or ... after python 2.7
In-Reply-To: <o69pkk$9mc$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 25 Jan 2017 at 17:07 Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:

> On 25/01/17 02:55, source liu wrote:
> > 2.7. (2.7.16 if I remembered it correctly),  one could run python script
> > with perl
> >
> > $cat
> > #!/bin/env python
> > print "I am python"
> >
> >
> > $perl
> > I am python
> >
> That is just because this particular print statement
> is compatible with Perl. If you had tried anything
> more complex then it would have bombed.

How to you define complex?  The script import lots of modules such as

> > But it would fail if you tried to use python2.6(which go with rhel6.8)
> I'm not sure what you mean here but you could run the
> code above in any version of Python v2 or perl and
> it should work. The first6 line is a comment so
> ignored by both perl and python. And the print
> statement works in both languages.

My fault, the PYTHONPATH is not correct with my Python 2.6 ,  which
misleading me to think Python
 2.6 can't do this

> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
Liu An
Institution of modern physics, Shanghai, China

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jan 25 19:12:02 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 00:12:02 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Feature or ... after python 2.7
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o6besa$hgp$>

On 25/01/17 17:32, source liu wrote:

>>> $cat
>>> #!/bin/env python
>>> print "I am python"
>>> $perl
>>> I am python
>> That is just because this particular print statement
>> is compatible with Perl. If you had tried anything
>> more complex then it would have bombed.
> How to you define complex?  The script import lots of modules such as
> urllib2

The script above doesn't, it just has a single print line.
That's why Perl is able to run it. If it had any import
statements Perl would complain.

When you type

perl filename

The perl interpreter tries to run the file regardless
of its extension or the shebang hint in the first line.
If it looks like valid perl (which the print is) then
it will execute it.

Similarly when you run

python filename

Python will do the same, the interpreter doesn't care
what the file is called or what the shebang line says
it just tries to run the text in the file.

The file extension and/or shebang line only matter
to the OS and its shell. (and even then only in specific

Now where urlib2 comes into the picture I have no
idea because you didn't mention that previously. But
I'm pretty sure both Python 2.7 and 2.6 will know
what to do with it whereas perl will not but it will
try to execute its own import method (which fails
silently...). But it will almost certainly fail
when you try to use the features of the imported

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From brian.wiley at  Wed Jan 25 15:56:40 2017
From: brian.wiley at (Wiley, Brian)
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 20:56:40 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] cannot open idle in 3.6 version but can in 2.7
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

I would like to learn and utilize both python versions.  For some reason when access shell for 3.6 I get this message:

"Your Python may not be configured for Tk. **", file=sys.__stderr__)

How can I make sure both work?

Brian Wiley
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From alan.gauld at  Thu Jan 26 03:51:53 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 08:51:53 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] cannot open idle in 3.6 version but can in 2.7
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o6cdb1$90u$>

On 25/01/17 20:56, Wiley, Brian wrote:

> I would like to learn and utilize both python versions.  
> For some reason when access shell for 3.6 I get this message:
> "Your Python may not be configured for Tk. **", file=sys.__stderr__)

That usually means you've installed a Python that has not been built
with the Tk bindings. You need to find a Tk compatible version.
Which OS are you using? Where/how did you get your Python 3.6?

If you compiled from source you need to go into the config file
before building - ISTR you can do that by running make config...
But there are probably pre-built binaries for your OS somewhere.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From guest0x013 at  Fri Jan 27 12:12:28 2017
From: guest0x013 at (Freedom Peacemaker)
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 18:12:28 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] randomly generated error
Message-ID: <>

main idea was to :
- get random characters word
- randomly colour letters in my word
- from this coloured word print all yellow letters

As it is random i need to be sure that at least one letter is yellow so i
put yellow color into final variable. This code works but randomly
generates error. And i have no idea how solve this problem. Please help me

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "proj3", line 23, in <module>
    w = "".join((colorpass[i.end()]) for i in re.finditer(re.escape(Y),
  File "proj3", line 23, in <genexpr>
    w = "".join((colorpass[i.end()]) for i in re.finditer(re.escape(Y),
IndexError: string index out of range

This is my code:

from random import choice
from string import ascii_letters, digits
import re

chars = ascii_letters + digits

word = "".join([choice(chars) for i in range(10)])

R = '\033[31m'  # red
G = '\033[32m'  # green
B = '\033[34m'  # blue
P = '\033[35m'  # purple
Y = '\033[93m'  # yellow

colors = [R, G, B, P, Y]

colorpass = "\033[93m"
for char in word:
    colorpass += char + choice(colors)

w = "".join((colorpass[i.end()]) for i in re.finditer(re.escape(Y),

I am using Python 3.5.2 on Ubuntu 16.04

From __peter__ at  Fri Jan 27 15:18:42 2017
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 21:18:42 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] randomly generated error
References: <>
Message-ID: <o6g9v0$2ue$>

Freedom Peacemaker wrote:

> Hi,
> main idea was to :
> - get random characters word
> - randomly colour letters in my word
> - from this coloured word print all yellow letters
> As it is random i need to be sure that at least one letter is yellow so i
> put yellow color into final variable. 


> This code works but randomly
> generates error. And i have no idea how solve this problem. Please help me
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "proj3", line 23, in <module>
>     w = "".join((colorpass[i.end()]) for i in re.finditer(re.escape(Y),
> colorpass))
>   File "proj3", line 23, in <genexpr>
>     w = "".join((colorpass[i.end()]) for i in re.finditer(re.escape(Y),
> colorpass))
> IndexError: string index out of range
> This is my code:
> from random import choice
> from string import ascii_letters, digits
> import re
> chars = ascii_letters + digits
> word = "".join([choice(chars) for i in range(10)])
> R = '\033[31m'  # red
> G = '\033[32m'  # green
> B = '\033[34m'  # blue
> P = '\033[35m'  # purple
> Y = '\033[93m'  # yellow
> colors = [R, G, B, P, Y]
> colorpass = "\033[93m"
> for char in word:
>     colorpass += char + choice(colors)

The character is followed by the color-code sequence. If the last color is 
yellow re.end() == len(colorpos) which is not a valid index into the string.

> print(colorpass)
> w = "".join((colorpass[i.end()]) for i in re.finditer(re.escape(Y),
> colorpass))
> print(w)
> I am using Python 3.5.2 on Ubuntu 16.04

To print a colored character you have to put the color sequence before it, 
so I'd do just that. Here's an example without regular expressions:

word = "".join(choice(chars) for i in range(10))
colored_word = "".join(choice(colors) + c for c in word)
yellow_chars = "".join(part[0] for part in colored_word.split(Y)[1:])

print("\033[0m", end="")

As we know that at least one character follows the color it is OK to write 
part[0] above. If that's not the case it's easy to avoid the exception by 
using part[:1] as that works for the empty string, too:

>>> "foo"[:1]
>>> ""[:1]

From jf_byrnes at  Fri Jan 27 16:47:27 2017
From: jf_byrnes at (Jim)
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 15:47:27 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Using venv
Message-ID: <o6gf59$e96$>

It has been suggested to me that I should use a virtual environment and 
venv would be a good choice. I've read through PEP405 and this link [1].
Though some of it seems a little confusing to me, I'm sure I can get it 
up and running. This question seems a little dumb and maybe I am being a 
little dense, but then what?

Your program/script is done how do you run it? Do you always have to 
activate your venv and run it from there? I like to run Tkinter programs 
from a launcher. Would that be possible and what would the command look 
like? Lately I have been writing some Libreoffice calc macros and 
evaluating pyspread for it's macro capability. Would modules installed 
in my venv be available to the spreadsheet programs?

Thanks,  Jim


From cs at  Fri Jan 27 17:49:57 2017
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2017 09:49:57 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Using venv
In-Reply-To: <o6gf59$e96$>
References: <o6gf59$e96$>
Message-ID: <>

On 27Jan2017 15:47, jim <jf_byrnes at> wrote:
>It has been suggested to me that I should use a virtual environment 
>and venv would be a good choice. I've read through PEP405 and this 
>link [1].
>Though some of it seems a little confusing to me, I'm sure I can get 
>it up and running. This question seems a little dumb and maybe I am 
>being a little dense, but then what?
>Your program/script is done how do you run it? Do you always have to 
>activate your venv and run it from there? I like to run Tkinter 
>programs from a launcher. Would that be possible and what would the 
>command look like? Lately I have been writing some Libreoffice calc 
>macros and evaluating pyspread for it's macro capability. Would modules 
>installed in my venv be available to the spreadsheet programs?

The mere act of using the python from inside the venv invokes a python that 
runs off the venv, so all you really need to do is to contrive to execute that 
python instead of the system python where you want it.

If your scripts start with something like this:

  #!/usr/bin/env python3

then you can simply contrive that "python3" is found from the virtualenv. You 
might put a symlink in your personal $HOME/bin directory, or source the venv's 
"activate" file from your shell's profile (this making the venv searched ahead 
of the system paths), etc.

Or your launcher might simply invoke:


Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From jf_byrnes at  Sat Jan 28 13:13:39 2017
From: jf_byrnes at (Jim)
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2017 12:13:39 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Using venv
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <o6gf59$e96$>
Message-ID: <o6in0e$u7m$>

On 01/27/2017 04:49 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 27Jan2017 15:47, jim <jf_byrnes at> wrote:
>> It has been suggested to me that I should use a virtual environment
>> and venv would be a good choice. I've read through PEP405 and this
>> link [1].
>> Though some of it seems a little confusing to me, I'm sure I can get
>> it up and running. This question seems a little dumb and maybe I am
>> being a little dense, but then what?
>> Your program/script is done how do you run it? Do you always have to
>> activate your venv and run it from there? I like to run Tkinter
>> programs from a launcher. Would that be possible and what would the
>> command look like? Lately I have been writing some Libreoffice calc
>> macros and evaluating pyspread for it's macro capability. Would
>> modules installed in my venv be available to the spreadsheet programs?
> The mere act of using the python from inside the venv invokes a python
> that runs off the venv, so all you really need to do is to contrive to
> execute that python instead of the system python where you want it.
> If your scripts start with something like this:
>  #!/usr/bin/env python3
> then you can simply contrive that "python3" is found from the
> virtualenv. You might put a symlink in your personal $HOME/bin
> directory, or source the venv's "activate" file from your shell's
> profile (this making the venv searched ahead of the system paths), etc.
> Or your launcher might simply invoke:
>  $HOME/path/to/your/venv/bin/python
> Cheers,
> Cameron Simpson <cs at>

Thank you. Got it up and running and tested it with a previously written 
Tkinter script, which works fine.

Regards,  Jim

From 01patrickliu at  Sun Jan 29 13:31:19 2017
From: 01patrickliu at (=?UTF-8?B?5YqJ5qyK6Zme?=)
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 02:31:19 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] I hope you can build a platform for studying in Traditional
Message-ID: <>

Hello: I am the student in junior high school.I would like to learn python,
but there are few traditional Chinese resources on the website, especially
the Python's documents are all in English I can not read it.(
I hope you can build a platform for studying in Traditional Chinese.Please
Thank yo  very much.
(Taiwan and China are different, the language is also,Taiwan is traditional
Chinese,China is Simplified Chinese)

patrick liu

From robertvstepp at  Sun Jan 29 16:33:06 2017
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2017 15:33:06 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] I hope you can build a platform for studying in
 Traditional Chinese.Please
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 12:31 PM, ??? <01patrickliu at> wrote:
> Hello: I am the student in junior high school.I would like to learn python,
> but there are few traditional Chinese resources on the website, especially
> the Python's documents are all in English I can not read it.(
> I hope you can build a platform for studying in Traditional Chinese.Please
> Thank yo  very much.
> (Taiwan and China are different, the language is also,Taiwan is traditional
> Chinese,China is Simplified Chinese)

You may have already seen this, but in case you have not, there is:

There is mention of a couple of Taiwan forums which may be a source of

Also a search for "python documentation in chinese" yields some hits, such as:

It is referring to Python 3.2.2 instead of the most current
documentation, but perhaps it might be a useful start.

Good luck!


From adsquaired at  Mon Jan 30 09:45:24 2017
From: adsquaired at (ad^2)
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 09:45:24 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Lock File Usage
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

I have more more todo on a script I just finished. Prevent it from
executing again if the process is running from the last job. Can't go to
production without it.

Ex. it runs in cron every hour to process batches of large size files.
Potentially the processing could take longer than one hour depending on the
file submissions.

 So, IF: no lock file, create a lock file, execute, delete lock file when
finished successfully. ElSE: the script is running, exit. Then, cron will
try again an hour later.

I do not necessarily require a "lock file" just looking for a
recommendation on a best practice with low complexity to make this work. I
was hoping not to use the subprocess module to simulate what could be done
in Bash. But, if that's the answer then so be it.



From alan.gauld at  Mon Jan 30 13:15:48 2017
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 18:15:48 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Lock File Usage
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <o6nvsg$o7p$>

On 30/01/17 14:45, ad^2 wrote:

>  So, IF: no lock file, create a lock file, execute, delete lock file when
> finished successfully. ElSE: the script is running, exit. Then, cron will
> try again an hour later.

That's probably the most common way of doing what you want.
But you need to make absolutely sure you delete the old file
after you are done, even in the event of failures.

try/finally at the top level would vbe a good start.

But many also use a second cron job to check for files older
than, say, T+50% (or whatever is the worst case) and then
either delete them or flag a warning to the admins to check.
This can run before the batch job that uses the files starts.
You may accidentally miss one run but you should never miss
more than that.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From ben+python at  Mon Jan 30 19:33:10 2017
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 11:33:10 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Lock File Usage
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"ad^2" <adsquaired at> writes:

>  So, IF: no lock file, create a lock file, execute, delete lock file
> when finished successfully. ElSE: the script is running, exit. Then,
> cron will try again an hour later.
> I do not necessarily require a "lock file" just looking for a
> recommendation on a best practice with low complexity to make this
> work.

The third-party ?fasteners? library provides an API for locks
<URL:> that you will want to

Specifically, the interpprocess lock decorators
seem to be what you want.

 \            ?? Nature ? is seen to do all things Herself and through |
  `\         herself of own accord, rid of all gods.? ?Titus Lucretius |
_o__)                                                 Carus, c. 40 BCE |
Ben Finney