[Tutor] Not returning out the series

Sibylle Koczian nulla.epistola at web.de
Tue Jul 4 04:57:45 EDT 2017

Am 04.07.2017 um 04:40 schrieb Rafael Skovron:
> Hi as a challenge I have got to sum a series i / (i+1). My code isn't
> summing right. Any ideas why?
> def main():
>      print("{0:15s}{1:20s}".format("i","m(i)"))
>      for i in range(1,20):
>          print("{0:<15d}{1:<20.4f}".format(i,m(i)))
> def m(i):
>      total = 0
>      for i in range(1,i+1,1):
>          total+=(i/(i+1))
>      return total

Python 2 or Python 3? What sums do you get and what sums do you expect?

BTW in your function m(i) it's very confusing that you use the name i 
both for the range limit and for the loop variable. It seems to be 
syntactically correct, but it's certainly not readable.


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