[Tutor] Fwd: Re: call key on_press event multiple times when key is held down

Carlton Banks noflaco at gmail.com
Tue Jul 4 08:45:49 EDT 2017

>> Interesting solution, but still find a bit "dirty hackish”
>> to involve a timer in this..  I guess it just would be neat if 
>> it just worked as i thought it to be.  But i guess i have to look into curses.
> A timer based loop is actually the standard pattern for
> implementing a loop in an event driven environment (the
> main alternative is to launch a background thread).
> It's how most GUIs handle such scenarios.
> The problem in a CLI solution is that you have to build your
> own timer event system (usually based on time.sleep() or
> similar). Hence the suggestion to use a GUI.

Any suggestion on any GUI solutions?


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