[Tutor] Which DB use with standalone desktop app

Freedom Peacemaker guest0x013 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 04:57:00 EDT 2017

Hi Tutors,
I am working on standalone desktop app with tkinter GUI (Python3), and i
dont know which database should i use. I've tried to find solution on my
own but google cant help me. There are some with SQL in name (eg. sqlite3,
MySql), but there are some other NoSql like MongoDB or Redis. Please help
me which one i should use for my app not only from ones i've mentioned. My
database will have max 100 records described by 6-8 columns. Most of them
will be 25 characters max but one will have up to 60.

Thanks for help,

od wirusów. www.avast.com

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