[Tutor] threading tutorial

Michael C mysecretrobotfactory at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 21:20:04 EDT 2017

ihave to look at this tomorrow, thanks for the reply!

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 6:18 PM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at python.org>

> On 01/06/17 16:30, Michael C wrote:
> > Oh i get it alright, however in my code I have to push the W button like
> > this:
> >
> > import pyautogui
> > import time
> >
> > pyautogui.keyDown('w')
> > time.sleep(2)
> > pyautogui.keyUp('w')
> So this emulates a user pressing the w key for 2 seconds.
> What's not clear is where this appears in your design,
> is it part of the code running in the thread or is it
> part of the code that stops the thread?
> If you can explain a little bit more of the high level
> requirement hee rather than the implementation perhaps
> we can come up with a better solution - ideally one
> that doesn't involve any keypress emulation at all...
> > while the example you gave:
> >
> >  def fn():
> >    global run_me
> >    while run_me:
> >      ... do some work ...
> >
> > and then elsewhere you go:
> >
> >  global run_me
> >  run_me = True
> >  ... create and start the Thread ...
> >  ... later ...
> >  run_me = False
> >  T.join()
> >
> > theoretically deals with my problem, in practice though, my function
> spend
> > almost all its time holding down the 'w' button,
> The fact you say the function suggests you mean the thread.
> So the question is why does it need to hold the key down
> for so long? Indeed why does a background process need
> to emulate a button press? What is the button press doing?
> Is it in turn detected by some other process/thread? We
> need to understand how the various bits interact to give
> a better solution.
> > Is there a way to pause/kill the thread?
> Not really other than setting a flag, but if its the
> thread that's doing the sleeping then killing it
> won't help - in fact if you could kill it in the
> middle of the sleep() you'd have the problem of
> a key being "held down" forever - probably a
> bad thing... Thats why its better to have the
> thread kill itself on detection of the semaphore.
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
> http://www.amazon.com/author/alan_gauld
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/alangauldphotos
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