[Tutor] __str__ on a subclass

Cameron Simpson cs at zip.com.au
Mon Jun 19 18:00:07 EDT 2017

On 19Jun2017 12:32, Evuraan <evuraan at gmail.com> wrote:


>class Employee:
>        """Class with FirstName, LastName, Salary"""
>        def __init__(self, FirstName,LastName, Salary):
>                self.FirstName = FirstName
>                self.LastName = LastName
>                self.Salary = Salary
>        def __str__(self):
>                return '("{}" "{}" "{}")'.format(self.FirstName,
>self.LastName, self.Salary)
>class Developer(Employee):
>        """Define a subclass, augment with ProgLang"""
>        def __init__(self, FirstName,LastName, Salary, ProgLang):
>                Employee.__init__(self, FirstName,LastName, Salary)
>                self.ProgLang = ProgLang
>        def dev_repr(self):
>                return '("{}" "{}" "{}" "{}")'.format(self.FirstName,
>self.LastName, self.Salary, self.ProgLang)
>a = Employee("Abigail", "Buchard", 83000)
>dev_1 = Developer("Samson", "Sue", 63000, "Cobol",)
>running that yields,
>("Abigail" "Buchard" "83000")
>("Samson" "Sue" "63000")
>("Samson" "Sue" "63000" "Cobol")
>My doubt is, how can we set the  __str__ method work on the Employee
>subclass so that it would show ProgLang too, like the

Assuming that when you say "the Employee subclass" above you mean "Developer", 
just like any other method you would override in a subclass.  When you define 
Developer, define a __str__ method:

class Developer(Employee):
    def __str__(self):
        return ..... same expression as dev_repr ...

Broadly speaking, a subclass is "just like" the parent, except as you specify.  
So specify __str__, since you want it to be different.

Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au>

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