[Tutor] Fwd: Re: bottle: request.form.get()

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at alan-g.me.uk
Thu Jun 22 18:50:31 EDT 2017

Please always use ReplyAll when responding to the tutor list.
(Or ReplyList if your mail client supports it)

(Having said that I forgot to add the list - oops! :)

On 22/06/17 19:48, adil gourinda wrote:
> 1) I expected a well made documentaion that your

The Python web site provides documentation for the full standard library,
which includes some basic web programming tools. But those are not as easy
to use as others such as bottle.

Bottle provides full documentation (including a tutorial) on their web site

Between the two you should find what you need. If not send us (or the
bottle support group)  your code  and some sample data and we can
try to help.

The bottle support is at:

A mailing list


and a chat channel:


Both are linked on the main bottle web site.

> 2) My problem is that I don't know how to retrieve data from <form>
> tag, but in general I don't know how to connect between python and
> html in script. I am new in web-framework, if you can advise me to a
> more easy framework than bottle

I don't know bottle personally but I believe it's based on Flask and as
should be as easy to use as any of the (many) other web frameworks. In
words you should probably persevere with it rather than jump to another
framework that won't be any easier to learn.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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