[Tutor] help with and

darrickbledsoe at gmail.com darrickbledsoe at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 01:21:55 EST 2017

For some reason I am getting a syntax error when I try and write my second If statement. I cannot find anything wrong with the statement because it is set up the same as all the others I see online. Perhaps someone can inform me why I am getting this. Thanks for your help

Darrick Bledsoe II

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Sep 12 19:23:21 2015

@author: Darrick Bledsoe

wage = eval(input("Enter in the employees hourly wage: ")) #get wage
hours_worked = eval(input("Enter in the number of hours worked: ")) #get hours
pay = wage * hours_worked # calculate pay
ot = ((hours_worked - 40 ) *  (1.5) * wage) + (wage * 40) 
double = ((hours_worked - 40 ) *  (2) * wage) + (wage * 40) 
#calculate overtime pay

if (hours_worked <= 40):
    print (pay)

if (hours_worked > 40 and < 60):

    print (ot)
if (hours_worked >= 60):
    print (double)

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