[Tutor] AttributeError: 'BezierPath' object has no attribute '_draw_solid'

Stephen P. Molnar s.molnar at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 20 08:18:41 EST 2017

On 11/20/2017 06:24 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 10:26:50AM +0000, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
>> Actually, pasting code etc is safer since the server removes
>> attachments. And while it is supposed to preserve plain text
>> attachments it will throw them away if it sees *anything*
>> that it thinks looks like binary.
> Let's do a test and see what happens! Attached is a .py file in UTF-8.
> If that passes through, I think we're good :-)
>> Also some readers are on
>> corporate accounts that strip all attachments regardless
>> of type
> Given the popularity of HTML email, corporate logos attached as images,
> and the ubiquity of emailing PDF and DOC/DOCX files in the business
> world, I would be stunned to come across any corporation that stripped
> all attachements.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor

Many thanks.  Indeed it worked!

I'm not really looking for someone to do the programming for me.  I know 
that the code works, because it did and produced the attached plot. I 
just don't know why it stopped working.  Actually, all of my programming 
experience has been with FORTRAN, starting with II in 1961 (yes, I am 
rather an old... an Organic Chemist.

Let's start over,

This is the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Copyright (c) 2017 Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.

import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import host_subplot
import mpl_toolkits.axisartist as AA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = []
name = input("Enter Molecule ID: ")

name_in = name+'_poutput'
data = np.genfromtxt(name_in)

s = data[:,0]
FTm = data[:,1]     #atomic number
FTe = data[:,2]     #atomic mass
FTc = data[:,3]     #atom electron density

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.6,4))

host = host_subplot(111, axes_class=AA.Axes)

par1 = host.twinx()
par2 = host.twinx()

offset = 60
new_fixed_axis = par2.get_grid_helper().new_fixed_axis
par2.axis["right"] = new_fixed_axis(loc="right", axes=par2,
                                         offset=(offset, 0))


host.set_xlim(0, 30)
host.set_ylim(min(FTm), max(FTm))

host.set_xlabel("Distance ($\AA$)")
host.set_ylabel("Atomic Number")
par1.set_ylabel("Atom Mass")
par2.set_ylabel("Atom Electron Density")

p1, = host.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1])#, label="Atomic Number")
p2, = par1.plot(data[:,0], data[:,2])#, label="Atom Mass")
p3, = par2.plot(data[:,0], data[:,3])#, label="Atom Electron Density")

par1.set_ylim(min(FTe), max(FTe))



host.title.set_text('Molecule {0} - Molecular Transforms'.format(name))

name_plt = name+'-fig1.png'

And the input file A_poutput:

        0.150000      1457.204006       998.233839        -0.018612
        0.300000      1344.817934       931.699910        -0.017571
        0.450000      1170.330414       827.700509        -0.015915
        0.600000       951.240195       695.702122        -0.013757
        0.750000       708.832611       547.341272        -0.011238
        0.900000       465.526861       395.074189        -0.008520
        1.050000       242.168335       250.776922        -0.005770
        1.200000        55.640011       124.478386        -0.003147
        1.350000       -82.889238        23.385404        -0.000790
        1.500000      -168.863907       -48.686568         0.001192
        1.650000      -204.304928       -91.423531         0.002725
        1.800000      -196.892849      -107.676083         0.003774
        1.950000      -158.353900      -102.749215         0.004342
        2.100000      -102.425393       -83.440486         0.004465
        2.250000       -42.724395       -56.976574         0.004210
        2.400000         9.160768       -30.003148         0.003659
        2.550000        45.090063        -7.765044         0.002907
        2.700000        61.128133         6.423416         0.002048
        2.850000        57.577347        11.367836         0.001171
        3.000000        38.344275         7.846857         0.000349
        3.150000         9.797326        -1.817135        -0.000359
        3.300000       -20.657232       -14.377418        -0.000917
        3.450000       -46.025084       -26.358616        -0.001307
        3.600000       -60.958617       -34.712347        -0.001528
        3.750000       -62.589086       -37.332393        -0.001596
        3.900000       -50.849425       -33.359410        -0.001536
        4.050000       -28.274206       -23.244463        -0.001380
        4.200000         0.647490        -8.581977        -0.001162
        4.350000        30.419924         8.240844        -0.000915
        4.500000        55.601812        24.504898        -0.000668
        4.650000        71.786890        37.644793        -0.000444
        4.800000        76.337446        45.676179        -0.000259
        4.950000        68.758579        47.497775        -0.000122
        5.100000        50.671170        43.026846        -0.000036
        5.250000        25.414468        33.157608         0.000001
        5.400000        -2.627852        19.562143        -0.000004
        5.550000       -28.841964         4.378077        -0.000039
        5.700000       -49.186470       -10.157324        -0.000095
        5.850000       -60.843330       -22.062653        -0.000159
        6.000000       -62.613119       -29.900128        -0.000219
        6.150000       -55.002707       -32.954002        -0.000264
        6.300000       -40.011347       -31.279440        -0.000284
        6.450000       -20.674231       -25.624738        -0.000272
        6.600000        -0.461617       -17.250484        -0.000223
        6.750000        17.349547        -7.684285        -0.000134
        6.900000        30.217978         1.543060        -0.000007
        7.050000        36.704572         9.135157         0.000153
        7.200000        36.611564        14.205163         0.000340
        7.350000        30.887904        16.366163         0.000542
        7.500000        21.337500        15.730856         0.000745
        7.650000        10.200327        12.830456         0.000931
        7.800000        -0.305538         8.475307         0.001083
        7.950000        -8.392428         3.587153         0.001184
        8.100000       -12.989800        -0.965458         0.001218
        8.250000       -13.865349        -4.501286         0.001173
        8.400000       -11.571637        -6.611087         0.001043
        8.550000        -7.243459        -7.184785         0.000828
        8.700000        -2.298165        -6.384063         0.000537
        8.850000         1.893836        -4.572551         0.000186
        9.000000         4.300063        -2.221752        -0.000202
        9.150000         4.422590         0.187190        -0.000598
        9.300000         2.366936         2.247742        -0.000969
        9.450000        -1.222319         3.685155        -0.001284
        9.600000        -5.337564         4.380342        -0.001511
        9.750000        -8.852834         4.361341        -0.001629
        9.900000       -10.782542         3.769297        -0.001621
       10.050000       -10.499667         2.809727        -0.001487
       10.200000        -7.869748         1.701068        -0.001234
       10.350000        -3.276223         0.631156        -0.000884
       10.500000         2.464059        -0.271036        -0.000469
       10.650000         8.273897        -0.945429        -0.000028
       10.800000        13.038886        -1.394038         0.000399
       10.950000        15.833457        -1.662153         0.000770
       11.100000        16.103771        -1.814211         0.001050
       11.250000        13.771794        -1.911156         0.001215
       11.400000         9.242103        -1.994565         0.001252
       11.550000         3.313230        -2.080285         0.001163
       11.700000        -2.985528        -2.161399         0.000962
       11.850000        -8.596642        -2.217844         0.000678
       12.000000       -12.634473        -2.228480         0.000348
       12.150000       -14.543259        -2.181162         0.000011
       12.300000       -14.183265        -2.077415        -0.000293
       12.450000       -11.831038        -1.930211        -0.000529
       12.600000        -8.097637        -1.755702        -0.000673
       12.750000        -3.785170        -1.561765        -0.000713
       12.900000         0.286255        -1.337475        -0.000649
       13.050000         3.444324        -1.047676        -0.000496
       13.200000         5.289172        -0.635686        -0.000280
       13.350000         5.752874        -0.035101        -0.000031
       13.500000         5.084229         0.810898         0.000214
       13.650000         3.765365         1.926706         0.000424
       13.800000         2.380864         3.283445         0.000570
       13.950000         1.469617         4.786014         0.000637
       14.100000         1.392498         6.272847         0.000617
       14.250000         2.244816         7.530844         0.000516
       14.400000         3.832308         8.324771         0.000351
       14.550000         5.715404         8.437061         0.000146
       14.700000         7.311696         7.711171        -0.000073
       14.850000         8.033953         6.090102        -0.000276
       15.000000         7.433384         3.641765        -0.000439
       15.150000         5.316604         0.564736        -0.000543
       15.300000         1.810210        -2.828748        -0.000580
       15.450000        -2.642187        -6.151479        -0.000548
       15.600000        -7.351504        -8.996319        -0.000458
       15.750000       -11.509884       -10.998722        -0.000323
       15.900000       -14.347438       -11.895943        -0.000165
       16.050000       -15.287336       -11.572105        -0.000005
       16.200000       -14.067416       -10.080444         0.000138
       16.350000       -10.802914        -7.637870         0.000248
       16.500000        -5.976553        -4.591918         0.000313
       16.650000        -0.356722        -1.365240         0.000331
       16.800000         5.141053         1.612947         0.000304
       16.950000         9.622693         3.976462         0.000240
       17.100000        12.381359         5.480370         0.000150
       17.250000        13.027990         6.037313         0.000047
       17.400000        11.560979         5.725370        -0.000056
       17.550000         8.361334         4.766082        -0.000148
       17.700000         4.114364         3.476794        -0.000220
       17.850000        -0.326569         2.206282        -0.000267
       18.000000        -4.107304         1.265785        -0.000287
       18.150000        -6.538177         0.868443        -0.000282
       18.300000        -7.224883         1.088608        -0.000252
       18.450000        -6.139379         1.848705        -0.000204
       18.600000        -3.617297         2.936154        -0.000139
       18.750000        -0.282930         4.047106        -0.000062
       18.900000         3.082729         4.848645         0.000024
       19.050000         5.704201         5.047554         0.000114
       19.200000         6.971360         4.452410         0.000206
       19.350000         6.564880         3.017031         0.000294
       19.500000         4.522214         0.856722         0.000374
       19.650000         1.230971        -1.766056         0.000438
       19.800000        -2.648913        -4.484225         0.000481
       19.950000        -6.318611        -6.889144         0.000496
       20.100000        -9.002726        -8.602539         0.000477
       20.250000       -10.107995        -9.344044         0.000422
       20.400000        -9.346550        -8.981821         0.000330
       20.550000        -6.798915        -7.556928         0.000205
       20.700000        -2.903834        -5.276963         0.000055
       20.850000         1.623478        -2.480263        -0.000108
       21.000000         5.928860         0.422670        -0.000271
       21.150000         9.185629         3.019640        -0.000419
       21.300000        10.757201         4.966197        -0.000537
       21.450000        10.323870         6.041463        -0.000612
       21.600000         7.948619         6.180453        -0.000637
       21.750000         4.068745         5.477529        -0.000608
       21.900000        -0.585430         4.161075        -0.000530
       22.050000        -5.129229         2.544839        -0.000409
       22.200000        -8.692916         0.965619        -0.000260
       22.350000       -10.588841        -0.280687        -0.000100
       22.500000       -10.444054        -0.992625         0.000055
       22.650000        -8.272710        -1.096543         0.000188
       22.800000        -4.474256        -0.654048         0.000287
       22.950000         0.242214         0.157064         0.000342
       23.100000         4.992771         1.083970         0.000352
       23.250000         8.886579         1.853469         0.000319
       23.400000        11.194571         2.229163         0.000253
       23.550000        11.486519         2.059953         0.000167
       23.700000         9.710378         1.310590         0.000074
       23.850000         6.199083         0.068697        -0.000010
       24.000000         1.604060        -1.472605        -0.000074
       24.150000        -3.231163        -3.052584        -0.000107
       24.300000        -7.432407        -4.393498        -0.000107
       24.450000       -10.259983        -5.253775        -0.000075
       24.600000       -11.245723        -5.473386        -0.000015
       24.750000       -10.275890        -5.002726         0.000061
       24.900000        -7.604690        -3.909790         0.000143
       25.050000        -3.796750        -2.364759         0.000217
       25.200000         0.389244        -0.605594         0.000273
       25.350000         4.152273         1.108109         0.000301
       25.500000         6.805936         2.543593         0.000298
       25.650000         7.909843         3.536125         0.000263
       25.800000         7.350003         4.014905         0.000199
       25.950000         5.353055         4.009026         0.000113
       26.100000         2.432371         3.632910         0.000015
       26.250000        -0.722508         3.054842        -0.000086
       26.400000        -3.390524         2.455632        -0.000178
       26.550000        -4.968693         1.986324        -0.000255
       26.700000        -5.096709         1.733989        -0.000310
       26.850000        -3.731726         1.702825        -0.000341
       27.000000        -1.158468         1.814569        -0.000347
       27.150000         2.067294         1.928147        -0.000331
       27.300000         5.230689         1.874430        -0.000297
       27.450000         7.602892         1.498788        -0.000250
       27.600000         8.590698         0.702348        -0.000195
       27.750000         7.860842        -0.526952        -0.000137
       27.900000         5.414273        -2.100526        -0.000078
       28.050000         1.595387        -3.836088        -0.000021
       28.200000        -2.966087        -5.484824         0.000033
       28.350000        -7.469726        -6.774045         0.000083
       28.500000       -11.093709        -7.457409         0.000130
       28.650000       -13.150129        -7.363012         0.000173
       28.800000       -13.216479        -6.429907         0.000210
       28.950000       -11.218047        -4.725585         0.000241
       29.100000        -7.445355        -2.440554         0.000261
       29.250000        -2.503302         0.139537         0.000267
       29.400000         2.798296         2.679474         0.000257
       29.550000         7.591889         4.849545         0.000229
       29.700000        11.109157         6.380035         0.000181
       29.850000        12.818104         7.105092         0.000116
       30.000000        12.514665         6.987915         0.000037
       30.150000        10.352073         6.122683        -0.000048

Incidentally, my email client is FossaMail and I do not send html emails.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.		Life is a fuzzy set
www.molecular-modeling.net		Stochastic and multivariate
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype: smolnar1

-------------- next part --------------

runfile('/home/comp/Apps/Python/Plot_T_Data/MultiplePlots_3.py', wdir='/home/comp/Apps/Python/Plot_T_Data')

Enter Molecule ID: A
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-22-d74ad7d779d0>", line 1, in <module>
    runfile('/home/comp/Apps/Python/Plot_T_Data/MultiplePlots_3.py', wdir='/home/comp/Apps/Python/Plot_T_Data')

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/spyder/utils/site/sitecustomize.py", line 688, in runfile
    execfile(filename, namespace)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/spyder/utils/site/sitecustomize.py", line 101, in execfile
    exec(compile(f.read(), filename, 'exec'), namespace)

  File "/home/comp/Apps/Python/Plot_T_Data/MultiplePlots_3.py", line 67, in <module>

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py", line 691, in draw

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", line 2053, in draw_idle
    self.draw(*args, **kwargs)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", line 430, in draw

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/artist.py", line 55, in draw_wrapper
    return draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/figure.py", line 1295, in draw
    renderer, self, artists, self.suppressComposite)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/image.py", line 138, in _draw_list_compositing_images

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", line 295, in draw
    self._get_base_axes_attr("draw")(self, renderer)

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", line 778, in draw
    super(Axes, self).draw(renderer, inframe)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/artist.py", line 55, in draw_wrapper
    return draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", line 2399, in draw
    mimage._draw_list_compositing_images(renderer, self, artists)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/image.py", line 138, in _draw_list_compositing_images

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/artist.py", line 55, in draw_wrapper
    return draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", line 1572, in draw

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", line 1170, in _draw_line

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", line 163, in draw
    lineFunc = getattr(self, funcname)

AttributeError: 'BezierPath' object has no attribute '_draw_solid'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/comp/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/formatters.py", line 332, in __call__
    return printer(obj)

  File "/home/comp/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/pylabtools.py", line 237, in <lambda>
    png_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: print_figure(fig, 'png', **kwargs))

  File "/home/comp/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/pylabtools.py", line 121, in print_figure
    fig.canvas.print_figure(bytes_io, **kw)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", line 2208, in print_figure

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", line 507, in print_png

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", line 430, in draw

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/artist.py", line 55, in draw_wrapper
    return draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/figure.py", line 1295, in draw
    renderer, self, artists, self.suppressComposite)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/image.py", line 138, in _draw_list_compositing_images

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", line 295, in draw
    self._get_base_axes_attr("draw")(self, renderer)

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", line 778, in draw
    super(Axes, self).draw(renderer, inframe)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/artist.py", line 55, in draw_wrapper
    return draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", line 2399, in draw
    mimage._draw_list_compositing_images(renderer, self, artists)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/image.py", line 138, in _draw_list_compositing_images

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib/artist.py", line 55, in draw_wrapper
    return draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", line 1572, in draw

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", line 1170, in _draw_line

  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", line 163, in draw
    lineFunc = getattr(self, funcname)

AttributeError: 'BezierPath' object has no attribute '_draw_solid'

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f92fc3f8be0>

-------------- next part --------------
       0.150000      1457.204006       998.233839        -0.018612
       0.300000      1344.817934       931.699910        -0.017571
       0.450000      1170.330414       827.700509        -0.015915
       0.600000       951.240195       695.702122        -0.013757
       0.750000       708.832611       547.341272        -0.011238
       0.900000       465.526861       395.074189        -0.008520
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       1.350000       -82.889238        23.385404        -0.000790
       1.500000      -168.863907       -48.686568         0.001192
       1.650000      -204.304928       -91.423531         0.002725
       1.800000      -196.892849      -107.676083         0.003774
       1.950000      -158.353900      -102.749215         0.004342
       2.100000      -102.425393       -83.440486         0.004465
       2.250000       -42.724395       -56.976574         0.004210
       2.400000         9.160768       -30.003148         0.003659
       2.550000        45.090063        -7.765044         0.002907
       2.700000        61.128133         6.423416         0.002048
       2.850000        57.577347        11.367836         0.001171
       3.000000        38.344275         7.846857         0.000349
       3.150000         9.797326        -1.817135        -0.000359
       3.300000       -20.657232       -14.377418        -0.000917
       3.450000       -46.025084       -26.358616        -0.001307
       3.600000       -60.958617       -34.712347        -0.001528
       3.750000       -62.589086       -37.332393        -0.001596
       3.900000       -50.849425       -33.359410        -0.001536
       4.050000       -28.274206       -23.244463        -0.001380
       4.200000         0.647490        -8.581977        -0.001162
       4.350000        30.419924         8.240844        -0.000915
       4.500000        55.601812        24.504898        -0.000668
       4.650000        71.786890        37.644793        -0.000444
       4.800000        76.337446        45.676179        -0.000259
       4.950000        68.758579        47.497775        -0.000122
       5.100000        50.671170        43.026846        -0.000036
       5.250000        25.414468        33.157608         0.000001
       5.400000        -2.627852        19.562143        -0.000004
       5.550000       -28.841964         4.378077        -0.000039
       5.700000       -49.186470       -10.157324        -0.000095
       5.850000       -60.843330       -22.062653        -0.000159
       6.000000       -62.613119       -29.900128        -0.000219
       6.150000       -55.002707       -32.954002        -0.000264
       6.300000       -40.011347       -31.279440        -0.000284
       6.450000       -20.674231       -25.624738        -0.000272
       6.600000        -0.461617       -17.250484        -0.000223
       6.750000        17.349547        -7.684285        -0.000134
       6.900000        30.217978         1.543060        -0.000007
       7.050000        36.704572         9.135157         0.000153
       7.200000        36.611564        14.205163         0.000340
       7.350000        30.887904        16.366163         0.000542
       7.500000        21.337500        15.730856         0.000745
       7.650000        10.200327        12.830456         0.000931
       7.800000        -0.305538         8.475307         0.001083
       7.950000        -8.392428         3.587153         0.001184
       8.100000       -12.989800        -0.965458         0.001218
       8.250000       -13.865349        -4.501286         0.001173
       8.400000       -11.571637        -6.611087         0.001043
       8.550000        -7.243459        -7.184785         0.000828
       8.700000        -2.298165        -6.384063         0.000537
       8.850000         1.893836        -4.572551         0.000186
       9.000000         4.300063        -2.221752        -0.000202
       9.150000         4.422590         0.187190        -0.000598
       9.300000         2.366936         2.247742        -0.000969
       9.450000        -1.222319         3.685155        -0.001284
       9.600000        -5.337564         4.380342        -0.001511
       9.750000        -8.852834         4.361341        -0.001629
       9.900000       -10.782542         3.769297        -0.001621
      10.050000       -10.499667         2.809727        -0.001487
      10.200000        -7.869748         1.701068        -0.001234
      10.350000        -3.276223         0.631156        -0.000884
      10.500000         2.464059        -0.271036        -0.000469
      10.650000         8.273897        -0.945429        -0.000028
      10.800000        13.038886        -1.394038         0.000399
      10.950000        15.833457        -1.662153         0.000770
      11.100000        16.103771        -1.814211         0.001050
      11.250000        13.771794        -1.911156         0.001215
      11.400000         9.242103        -1.994565         0.001252
      11.550000         3.313230        -2.080285         0.001163
      11.700000        -2.985528        -2.161399         0.000962
      11.850000        -8.596642        -2.217844         0.000678
      12.000000       -12.634473        -2.228480         0.000348
      12.150000       -14.543259        -2.181162         0.000011
      12.300000       -14.183265        -2.077415        -0.000293
      12.450000       -11.831038        -1.930211        -0.000529
      12.600000        -8.097637        -1.755702        -0.000673
      12.750000        -3.785170        -1.561765        -0.000713
      12.900000         0.286255        -1.337475        -0.000649
      13.050000         3.444324        -1.047676        -0.000496
      13.200000         5.289172        -0.635686        -0.000280
      13.350000         5.752874        -0.035101        -0.000031
      13.500000         5.084229         0.810898         0.000214
      13.650000         3.765365         1.926706         0.000424
      13.800000         2.380864         3.283445         0.000570
      13.950000         1.469617         4.786014         0.000637
      14.100000         1.392498         6.272847         0.000617
      14.250000         2.244816         7.530844         0.000516
      14.400000         3.832308         8.324771         0.000351
      14.550000         5.715404         8.437061         0.000146
      14.700000         7.311696         7.711171        -0.000073
      14.850000         8.033953         6.090102        -0.000276
      15.000000         7.433384         3.641765        -0.000439
      15.150000         5.316604         0.564736        -0.000543
      15.300000         1.810210        -2.828748        -0.000580
      15.450000        -2.642187        -6.151479        -0.000548
      15.600000        -7.351504        -8.996319        -0.000458
      15.750000       -11.509884       -10.998722        -0.000323
      15.900000       -14.347438       -11.895943        -0.000165
      16.050000       -15.287336       -11.572105        -0.000005
      16.200000       -14.067416       -10.080444         0.000138
      16.350000       -10.802914        -7.637870         0.000248
      16.500000        -5.976553        -4.591918         0.000313
      16.650000        -0.356722        -1.365240         0.000331
      16.800000         5.141053         1.612947         0.000304
      16.950000         9.622693         3.976462         0.000240
      17.100000        12.381359         5.480370         0.000150
      17.250000        13.027990         6.037313         0.000047
      17.400000        11.560979         5.725370        -0.000056
      17.550000         8.361334         4.766082        -0.000148
      17.700000         4.114364         3.476794        -0.000220
      17.850000        -0.326569         2.206282        -0.000267
      18.000000        -4.107304         1.265785        -0.000287
      18.150000        -6.538177         0.868443        -0.000282
      18.300000        -7.224883         1.088608        -0.000252
      18.450000        -6.139379         1.848705        -0.000204
      18.600000        -3.617297         2.936154        -0.000139
      18.750000        -0.282930         4.047106        -0.000062
      18.900000         3.082729         4.848645         0.000024
      19.050000         5.704201         5.047554         0.000114
      19.200000         6.971360         4.452410         0.000206
      19.350000         6.564880         3.017031         0.000294
      19.500000         4.522214         0.856722         0.000374
      19.650000         1.230971        -1.766056         0.000438
      19.800000        -2.648913        -4.484225         0.000481
      19.950000        -6.318611        -6.889144         0.000496
      20.100000        -9.002726        -8.602539         0.000477
      20.250000       -10.107995        -9.344044         0.000422
      20.400000        -9.346550        -8.981821         0.000330
      20.550000        -6.798915        -7.556928         0.000205
      20.700000        -2.903834        -5.276963         0.000055
      20.850000         1.623478        -2.480263        -0.000108
      21.000000         5.928860         0.422670        -0.000271
      21.150000         9.185629         3.019640        -0.000419
      21.300000        10.757201         4.966197        -0.000537
      21.450000        10.323870         6.041463        -0.000612
      21.600000         7.948619         6.180453        -0.000637
      21.750000         4.068745         5.477529        -0.000608
      21.900000        -0.585430         4.161075        -0.000530
      22.050000        -5.129229         2.544839        -0.000409
      22.200000        -8.692916         0.965619        -0.000260
      22.350000       -10.588841        -0.280687        -0.000100
      22.500000       -10.444054        -0.992625         0.000055
      22.650000        -8.272710        -1.096543         0.000188
      22.800000        -4.474256        -0.654048         0.000287
      22.950000         0.242214         0.157064         0.000342
      23.100000         4.992771         1.083970         0.000352
      23.250000         8.886579         1.853469         0.000319
      23.400000        11.194571         2.229163         0.000253
      23.550000        11.486519         2.059953         0.000167
      23.700000         9.710378         1.310590         0.000074
      23.850000         6.199083         0.068697        -0.000010
      24.000000         1.604060        -1.472605        -0.000074
      24.150000        -3.231163        -3.052584        -0.000107
      24.300000        -7.432407        -4.393498        -0.000107
      24.450000       -10.259983        -5.253775        -0.000075
      24.600000       -11.245723        -5.473386        -0.000015
      24.750000       -10.275890        -5.002726         0.000061
      24.900000        -7.604690        -3.909790         0.000143
      25.050000        -3.796750        -2.364759         0.000217
      25.200000         0.389244        -0.605594         0.000273
      25.350000         4.152273         1.108109         0.000301
      25.500000         6.805936         2.543593         0.000298
      25.650000         7.909843         3.536125         0.000263
      25.800000         7.350003         4.014905         0.000199
      25.950000         5.353055         4.009026         0.000113
      26.100000         2.432371         3.632910         0.000015
      26.250000        -0.722508         3.054842        -0.000086
      26.400000        -3.390524         2.455632        -0.000178
      26.550000        -4.968693         1.986324        -0.000255
      26.700000        -5.096709         1.733989        -0.000310
      26.850000        -3.731726         1.702825        -0.000341
      27.000000        -1.158468         1.814569        -0.000347
      27.150000         2.067294         1.928147        -0.000331
      27.300000         5.230689         1.874430        -0.000297
      27.450000         7.602892         1.498788        -0.000250
      27.600000         8.590698         0.702348        -0.000195
      27.750000         7.860842        -0.526952        -0.000137
      27.900000         5.414273        -2.100526        -0.000078
      28.050000         1.595387        -3.836088        -0.000021
      28.200000        -2.966087        -5.484824         0.000033
      28.350000        -7.469726        -6.774045         0.000083
      28.500000       -11.093709        -7.457409         0.000130
      28.650000       -13.150129        -7.363012         0.000173
      28.800000       -13.216479        -6.429907         0.000210
      28.950000       -11.218047        -4.725585         0.000241
      29.100000        -7.445355        -2.440554         0.000261
      29.250000        -2.503302         0.139537         0.000267
      29.400000         2.798296         2.679474         0.000257
      29.550000         7.591889         4.849545         0.000229
      29.700000        11.109157         6.380035         0.000181
      29.850000        12.818104         7.105092         0.000116
      30.000000        12.514665         6.987915         0.000037
      30.150000        10.352073         6.122683        -0.000048

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