[Tutor] Python 3 for Beginners was: (Re: intro book for python)

Sri Kavi gvmcmt at gmail.com
Sun Sep 3 13:34:17 EDT 2017

Hi guys, this mailing list is for people trying to learn Python and this
list is here to help us all. It’s one of the hundreds of programming
languages in use today.  Use it as a tool and see if it can help you
accomplish your goal. If it fails to serve you, you’ve so many choices.
Every language has its advantages and issues.

On Sun, Sep 3, 2017 at 9:13 PM, Leam Hall <leamhall at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 09/03/2017 10:06 AM, David Rock wrote:
>> On Sep 3, 2017, at 08:55, Mats Wichmann <mats at wichmann.us> wrote:
>>> On 09/03/2017 04:02 AM, Leam Hall wrote:
>>> Anyone that uses python on Linux has to use Python 2.
>>> Every current distro I know of has a python 3 package, plus lots and
>>> lots of add-ons in python 3 mode.  It's quite easy to use python 3 as a
>>> result... and if that doesn't work you can install your own to your
>>> workspace (rather than as a "system package") just as easily.
>> While a bit anecdotal, the complaint is valid.  Red Hat does not support
>> Python 3 in their base installation on RHEL and the only way to get it
>> “officially” (i.e., directly from Red hat) is through Software Collections,
>> which is a bit cumbersome to use and not available in all cases.  There are
>> a lot of places (including where I work) that frown heavily on using
>> packages that aren’t from the base repositories from the OS maintainers.
>> Installing into “your own workspace” isn’t so easy when you are talking
>> about 2000 servers, either.  In order for me to write code that I know will
>> work across all the servers, I have to use python 2 because I know it will
>> be there.  I can’t say the same thing about python 3, and that’s not
>> something I’m likely to be able to fix within the bounds of company
>> procedures.
>> So while the original statement is obviously false, the heart of why it
>> was said is functionally true.
> Sorry; there's a significant gap between what I wrote and what I meant. My
> fault.
> If you use the OS system's Python then you're using Python 2. That will
> continue for the next five or more years. I'm in the same boat as David;
> installing Python 3 is a non-starter. That's not the case for a lot of
> folks, but if I'm going to write something there's a high probability that
> Python 3 won't be on the target machine.
> While I prefer 2 over 3, if I went in to work and everything was magically
> Python 3 based I wouldn't whine. Much.
> Sorry for the miscommunication earlier.
> Leam
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