[Tutor] I want to display Integral symbols

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Sep 5 19:07:26 EDT 2017

On 05/09/17 14:29, edmundo pierre via Tutor wrote:
> I have been trying to display mathematics symbols on my Tkinter (using Python) project,
>  but was not successful 

So show us what you did. Its hard to figure out what's
gone wrong when we can't see your code.

And that includes telling us what kind of widget you
are trying to display this on. A Label? a Text? a Canvas?
Any of those are candidates but all have different ways
of doing it.

> .I am trying  to compute integrals on my Tkinter project and will like to 
> display this image on my tkinter:

> ∫2xdx.........

Are you trying to display an image?
Or are you trying to display that as text?
If text you need to pick the right font, one that has
the integral sign included. You will also likely need
to do a fair bit of tweaking with font sizes and line

>  Jupiter can display that symbol using sympy,> I can not display it in my Tkinter.

We need more information.
As a minimum:
Which OS are you using?
Which Python version? (and distribution if it includes Jupiter)
What UI widget are you using?
Are you displaying an image or text?
If text which font are you using?

Finally what does your code look like?
What error messages(in full) do you get(if any) in the console?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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