[Tutor] beginning to code

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Sun Sep 10 13:19:25 EDT 2017

Hello kerbi!

On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 6:32 AM, Elmar Klein <geokerbi at gmx.at> wrote:
> Hi there,
> im starting to learn how to code (bougt me the "automate the boring stuff
> with phyton" book).
> And im not going anywhere with a code sample using the "continue" statement.
> The code i should try is as following:
> while True:
>       print ('who are you')
>       name = input ()
>       if name != 'bert':
>               continue
>         print ('hi, joe. pwd?')
>         pwd = input ()
>         if pwd == 'sword':
>                 break
>         print ('access granted')
> But everytime this produces an error (unindent does not match any outer
> indention level) in the "print ('hi, joe. Pwd?')" sentence.

As the others have said your indentation is inconsistent.  "print
('who are you')" is indented 6 spaces under "while True:".  But
"continue" is indented 8 spaces under "if name != 'bert':".  And
"print ('hi, joe. pwd?')" is indented 2 spaces under "if name !=
'bert':" when it should not be indented at all!  You might want to
review pages 37-38 where the author talks about "Blocks of Code" and
make sure you are *getting it*.  If not, come back with specific

Senthil mentioned using a proper programmer's editor that supports
Python syntax.  This can make things much easier.  Generally speaking,
you wish a single level of indentation to always be the same number of
spaces.  The commonly used number is one indentation level equals 4
spaces.  Most editors will allow you to use the <Tab> key to indent,
converting it to 4 spaces (Or a different number if you configure your
<Tab> differently in the editor.).  A side note:  Don't mix tabs with
spaces!  Ensure that your editor converts tabs to spaces.  Otherwise
you can have a real mess!

So look carefully on page 51 of your book where I found the code you
are playing with.  It looks like you are playing around with modifying
it, which is a good thing to do.  But you still must maintain the
proper block structure of the author's code that you are modifying if
you want to accomplish the kinds of things the author is doing.  Pay
particular to the vertical alignment of each line's contents.  For
instance, the "w" in "while True:" lines up with the "p" in
"print('Access granted.')", which is the last line of the text's code
example.  Everything else between the first and last lines is indented
one or more levels and belongs to the while loop's execution
responsibilities.  When you look at the while loop's block contents
you notice additional levels of indentation belonging to the two if
statements.  Again notice how these additional levels of indentation
define the blocks belonging to each if statement's responsibilities.

Another thing is that if I have found the correct page of the code you
are trying out, you are being rather free with how you match
capitalization with the author's code.  This won't matter a whole lot
for strings you are printing to screen, but if you start being sloppy
with capitalization with Python keywords or identifiers/variable
names, then you will soon come to a lot of grief!  Also, you add extra
spaces to the print() functions.  Fortunately this does not matter
here, but it shows that you are being a bit cavalier with how you
re-type code.  This lack of attention to seemingly teeny-tiny details
can cause you much grief, such as in your indentation problems.
Whereas a human being can usually easily interpret your intentions,
computers, being extremely literal in their interpretation of what is
typed, might easily not get your intentions.  Be careful what you

It might be educational for you to take your current code with its
inconsistent indentation and correct it line by line, but re-running
the code after each such correction to see what exactly happens and
what new error tracebacks you get.

Hope this helps!


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