[Tutor] How to write database-agnostic python code? (Is this even possible?)

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Wed Sep 13 19:51:37 EDT 2017

On 12Sep2017 14:05, boB Stepp <robertvstepp at gmail.com> wrote:
>As I continue to read about SQL, one thing jumps out:  There are many
>differences between how SQL statements are implemented among the
>different database products.  Even for relatively simple,
>straightforward things like field concatenation.  One DB might use
>"||" as the operator.  Another uses "+".  Yet another only uses a
>"CONCAT" function.  This is crazy!
>It almost seems like I would need to write a DB-translator class that
>takes a SQL statement (In some DB's version) and the target DB as
>inputs, and then translates the statement into that DB's particular
>usage of SQL.  So how does one write one's python program to be
>DB-agnostic?  And if this is impossible, then what is the best way to
>structure the overall program to isolate this SQL-specific stuff by
>itself, insofar as possible, so any migrations to a new DB type is as
>easy as possible?

I have two approaches myself.

First, all DB drivers present the DBI interface from PEP 249, so once connected 
you have a standard suite of methods. Most databases speak a superset of SQL92, 
so provided your SQL is not esoteric you can just get on with things. Um, 
except for parameter syntax ("$9", "?", ":foo_9")? You can work around that.

Secondly, there's SQLAlchemy. It knows the dialects and asks you to write 
"native" looking python syntax for selects etc. So stuff like:

  db_conn.select(t.col1 == 9 and t.col2 == 10)

where "t" is a "table" object it has handed you. I believe these are just 
special objects with attributes for columns and the right __eq__ etc dunder 
methods to compute the correct SQL syntax. No escaping or param substitution in 
your own code. It also has an ORM, which I've not used.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au> (formerly cs at zip.com.au)

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