[Tutor] A Question Regarding the Documentation Format

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Sun Sep 24 10:12:37 EDT 2017

Prateek wrote:

> Hi
> Whenever I use help(input) inside Python shell i get the following output:
>>>> help(input)
> Help on built-in function input in module builtins:
> input(...)
>     input([prompt]) -> string
> I want to know what the significance of  "-> string". I have tried
> consulting several books but none of them gave me a clear-cut explanation
> for this.

Note that the "->" is also valid Python:

>>> def f(x: int) -> str:
...     return "<{}>".format(x)
>>> f(42)

It was originally "invented" here


and later morphed into


According to that f() should take an integer and return a str. This 
information can be used by type checkers like


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