[Tutor] Python programming for the absolute beginner

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Sep 29 14:20:20 EDT 2017

On 29/09/17 08:51, Peter Collidge wrote:
> I have borrowed the above book from my local library but I believe it was
> written in 2010 and as a result I am having difficulty in deciding which
> version of Python to download.
> Can anyone help?

If you want to follow the book use the version the book
uses - probably 2.6 or something close?

When you finish the book move to Python 3.6 and go through
the official tutorial that accompanbies it, that should
bring you up to date with the latest version. There won't
be a huge difference but there are significant changes
in moving from 2 to 3, so use the version you are studying
first then upgrade.

All the older versions are available on the download
page of python.org.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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