[Tutor] running a .py file from the comand line

Rex Florian sunnlotus at aol.com
Sun Apr 1 20:46:05 EDT 2018


I am running Python 3.6 in a Window 7 environment.  I have a python script that I am trying to run from the command line.

The script is from a Learning to Program file demonstrating event driven programming.  I have copied it to a file named Ascii Keys.py into my user directory c:\Users\Rex

I try to execute the file by typing python Ascii Keys.py at the command line and receive the following message:

python:  can't open file 'Ascii':  [errno2] no such file or directory

I expected the python .py file to open and run.

I check with the path command and receive among other paths these to paths to Python.



I also load python from c:\Users\Rex and try running Ascii Keys from >> and get the following error:

File "<stdin>", line 1
   Ascii Keys

SyntaxError:  invalid syntax

Why doesn't python open my file?

Also, in windows explorer, I tried to find the above paths and could not see AppData under c:\Users\Rex

What am I missing here?

import msvcrt
import sys

# First the event handlers
def doKeyEvent(key):
    if key == '\x00' or key == '\xe0':
       key = msvcrt.getch()
    print ( ord(key), ' ', end='')
    sys.stdout.flush() # make sure it appears on screen
def doQuit(key):
    print() # force a new line
    raise SystemExit

# first clear some screen space
lines = 25 
for n in range(lines): print()

# Now the main event-loop
while True:
    ky = msvcrt.getch()
    if len(str(ky)) != 0:
        # we have a real event
        if " " in str(ky):

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