[Tutor] Json files

Shannon Evans shannonev101 at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 12 12:44:09 EDT 2018

I have managed to get my two json files that need to be imported into
python and then i need to write a program on who gets fruit and who doesn't
and then need to get the final stock at the end. I was just wondering how i
import the files into python and how i use them after that?


  ["James Bruce", "Bananas"],

  ["Katherine Newton", "Bananas"],

  ["Deborah Garcia", "Pears"],

  ["Marguerite Kozlowski", "Pineapples"],

  ["Kenneth Fitzgerald", "Pineapples"],

  ["Ronald Crawford", "Bananas"],

  ["Donald Haar", "Apples"],

  ["Al Whittenberg", "Bananas"],

  ["Max Bergevin", "Bananas"],

  ["Carlos Doby", "Pears"],

  ["Barry Hayes", "Pineapples"],

  ["Donald Haar", "Bananas"]

this is one of them


"Apples": 14,

"Bananas": 14,

"Pineapples": 0,

"Pears": 8

and this another.

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