[Tutor] Matplotlib scatterplot help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Apr 30 19:58:32 EDT 2018

On 30/04/18 16:57, Daniel Bosah wrote:
> I have a function in which returns scatterplot of a Isomap

Below you show a function that creates a scatterplot
but it does not return anything. Sorry to nitpick but correct
terminology is quite important in understanding what you
are trying to achieve.

> Below is the function to turn my Isomap values to a 3D scatterplot :
> def Isomap(tfidf):
>   jon = pd.read_csv(tfidf)
>   le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
>   tims = jon.apply(le.fit_transform)
>   iso = manifold.Isomap(n_neighbors=2, n_components=3)
>   john = iso.fit_transform(tims)
>   fig = plt.figure()
>   ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
>   use_colors = 'rybg'
>   ax.scatter(john[:,0], john[:,1],john[:,2],color=use_colors,alpha=.5) #
> x,y,z coord. jon 1-3
>   plt.title('Isomap of candiates')
>   plt.xlabel('x')
>   plt.ylabel('y')
>   plt.show()
>   plt.savefig('isomap.png')
> The problem is that I usually only get one color returned. 

Do you mean displayed? Nothing is returned (or to be
pedantic, None is returned)

> get the code to print out 4 colors, 

Again nothing is printed. Are you talking about the
displayed scatterplot?

> I'm not sure how to get those colors
> to  correspond to the four web articles.

Sadly neither do I, you need a mmatplotlib user
to answer that bit. The only reference to
colors I can see is the line

use_colors - 'rybg'

Which I assume stands for red, yellow, blue,green?
I further assume that the order is significant?
But I'm only guessing...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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