[Tutor] How to write a function which reads files

Rafael Knuth rafael.knuth at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 09:51:50 EDT 2018

> You forgot the parentheses (), and are returning a reference to the
> function instead of calling it and returning its result. Do this:
>         contents = file_object.read()

oh, my bad. Thanks!

> Also, consider using snake_case instead of PascalCase for your
> function name, since the latter is typically used for classes, and
> perhaps call it read_file to better describe it?

thanks, I wasn't aware of the naming conventions for functions and classes.
will bear that in mind!

> Note that you used a different name here than in your
> function definition!

another typo. I made that in my original code already.
Thanks, everything works well now!

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