[Tutor] Recommended way for end users to run our Python programs?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Aug 17 04:50:35 EDT 2018

On 17/08/18 05:40, Matthew Polack wrote:

> Does this always require Python being installed as a full language on the
> end users computer?

No. It does require the Python interpreter plus any modules
you write or use(including any modules your modules use...)

There are a few tools around that can collect this information
and build an executable "exe" file that bundles everything
together for convenience. py2exe being the best known.

The downside of this is that if you install several such
programs you wind up installing multiple copies of Python
which is a bit of a waste of space - but disk space is
cheap nowadays...

> Is  there some other way to get it working in either a browser...or as a
> 'self contained' windows app ...or an Android/IOS app....or a regular
> Windows .exe file to install?

For Android there is a toolset called Kivvy that some have used
successfully. Personally I use the QPython IDE on Android but
it only supports CLI programs, no GUI. (I think it can run
Kivvy code too)

I have no idea about Python on iOS...

On the other hand requiring Python on the target platform is
not such an unusual thing. For many years VisualBasic programs
required a VBRUN.DLL to be installed. And Java programs require
the JVM to be in place. So you can just build a Windows
installer that checks if Python is already there and if
not installs Python and  then adds your code.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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