[Tutor] Building a Package

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Aug 21 13:53:13 EDT 2018

On 21/08/18 14:10, Glenn Schultz via Tutor wrote:

> Either I am a complete moron or packaging python is a poorly documented nightmare.  

I suspect the latter is true to some extent.
To be fair Python packaging was a complete mess for
many years with competing technologies and tools.
It is only in the last 3 years or so that things
have settled down so it wouldn't surprise me if
the documentation is still catching up.

However, I virtually never build packages so can't
really comment, but hopefully somebody else can help.

What would be more useful to such a person is if
you can send the actual code and error messages,
since saying you had to comment out 70% of the
lines because of warnings doesn't really tell us very
much. It may be that you could safely ignore the
warnings or it may indicate a more serious
underlying error. But as of now we are just

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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