[Tutor] Defining variable arguments in a function in python

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 13:50:45 EST 2018

On Mon, Dec 31, 2018 at 10:36 AM David Rock <david at graniteweb.com> wrote:
> > On Dec 30, 2018, at 18:39, Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at python.org> wrote:
> >
> > On 30/12/2018 22:25, Avi Gross wrote:
> >
> >> I admit I have not studied the charter for the group.
> >
> > As moderator I feel the need to step in here because the
> > charter is extremely apropos to that function and some
> > clarification may be helpful.
> I would like to add an observation…
> The core complaint appears to be the length of the postings.  To my eye, Avi’s style of posting is extremely verbose, which is not necessarily a bad thing; but perhaps taking some time to distill the thoughts to make a concise, on topic, point would be helpful in this case.  When discussions appear to ramble at length in odd tangents, the helpfulness to the beginner is diluted and the original point of the discussion is lost.

While I guess I am not considered here a rank beginner anymore, I
still know I have a LOT to learn.  In general I *try* to read all
posts on both the Tutor list and the main Python list.  However, I
must echo David's point -- I find Avi's posts way too long and
rambling, and while I am sure there are many useful nuggets to
explore, I find myself more and more often just doing a quick scan for
anything that just *pops out* that interests me, and, if not, hit

To Avi:  I know I would enjoy your posts much more if you would:  (1)
Get to the point quickly and stay on topic while addressing that
point.  Or, (2)  When you have a variety of disparate topics you would
like to discuss, break your one long post into a series of separate
emails, each with an appropriate subject line, and stick to each
post's topic implied by the subject line you choose.

I know I am often quite guilty on rambling on, so I know how hard it
is to do this.

I say all of this, Avi, not to be critical, but to hopefully enhance
everyone's opportunity to process and learn from your thoughts.

In any event, I hope all you Pythonistas have both a HAPPY AND BLESSED


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