[Tutor] fractions from Fractions

Rex Florian sunnlotus at aol.com
Sun Feb 4 23:11:23 EST 2018

I have written a program to generate the array that describes the finite simple continued fraction from any fractional input.  The input is any fraction, num/den, and the output is the array.  The program works and I am happy with the work.

The problem is one of the PyCharm problems and when I use the check feature it tells me my answer is incorrect.  I think I know the source of the trouble.  The problem asks that my input format be "A single line with an fraction in the numerator/denominator format.

My input is obtained as seen in the code.  I have googled fractions in Python.  I have tried importing fractions from Fraction but seem to be in over my head.  What am I missing?

fraction = input()
# define list for holding coefficients
coef = []

# find the index where the / is
slash = fraction.find('/')
# extract the string num and den and convert them to integers
num = int(fraction[0:slash])
den = int(fraction[slash + 1:])

while num > den and den != 0:
    mod = num % den
    a = num // den
    num = den
    den = mod
for i in coef:
    print(i, end=' ')

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