[Tutor] help

Frank Dominguez dominguezfrank2 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 16:34:29 EST 2018

this is my first time using python and i just cannot figure out what I am
doing wrong im sure the answer is very simple but sadly i do not know what
it is
thanks for the help!
-------------- next part --------------
Author:  Frank Dominguez
CS 140: February 5, 2018
Python Lab 1

Determine the cost of landscaping a backyard

length = eval(input("Enter the length of the yard")
width = eval(input("Enter the width of the yard")
sod = eval(input("Enter the cost of sod"
fence = eval(input("What is the cost of the fence")
area = length*width
perimeter = length*2+width*2
total_sod = area*sod
total_fence = fence*perimeter
landscaping = total_sod+total_fence
print ("the total cost of landscaping is",landscaping)

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