[Tutor] Pong code

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 14 19:59:20 EST 2018

On 14/02/18 23:22, terrapin-turtle at lycos.com wrote:
> Alan,
> I know NOTHING of this program.

So how did you find it?
What do you hope to do with it?

BTW You sent this to me only,. you need to use Reply-All
or Reply-List to include the tutor list. I've CCd the list in this response.

> Here is what I have:
> import pygame
> import sys
> import random
> pygame.init()
> gameSurface=pygame.display.set_mode((450,450))
> pygame.display.set_caption("Pong Player")
> pygame.mouse.set_visible(0)
> GREEN=(0,200,0)
> BLUE=(0,0,128)
> PURPLE=(102,0,102)
> WHITE=(255,255,255)
> rect1x=20
> rect1y=100
> rect2x=400
> rect2y=100
> gameSurface.fill(WHITE)
> pygame.draw.rect(gameSurface, GREEN,(rect1x, rect1y,30,150))
> pygame.draw.rect(gameSurface, GREEN,(rect2x, rect2y,30,150))
> ballx=random.randint(200,300)
> bally=random.randint(100,150)
> pygame.draw.circle(gameSurface, BLUE,(ballx, bally),20)
> pygame.display.update()

So this apparently draws two green rectangles and a ball at
a random location.

> FPS=20
> fpsClock=pygame.time.Clock()

This sets the frames per second timer to 20fps.
> pygame.key.set_repeat(1,1)
> if event.type==KEYDOWN:
> pygame.quit()
> sys.exit()

The previous two lines should be indented.
Indentation is critical in Python so you need to post
in plain text not HTML or RTF. Without the indentation
it gets difficult to tell what is going on.

But in this case it basically exits the program when
the KEYDOWN event is received. (Whatever KEYDOWN and
event mean  in this context - I don't see them defined

> if event.key==K_q:
> ballx=ballx+1
> pygame.draw.circle(gameSurface, WHITE,(ballx, bally),20)
> pygame.draw.circle(gameSurface, BLUE,(ballx, bally),20)

If q is pressed it draws another 2 balls. I have no idea why,
I never played pong...
> if event.key==K_LEFT:
> ballx=ballx-1
> pygame.draw.circle(gameSurface, WHITE,(oldballx, bally),20)
> pygame.draw.circle(gameSurface, BLUE,(ballx, bally),20)
> if ballx==70:
> pygame.draw.rect(gameSurface, PURPLE,(rect1x, rect1y,30,150))
> if ballx==380:
> pygame.draw.rect(gameSurface,PURPLE,(rect2x, rect2y,30,150))
More of the same kind of thing.

> pygame.display.update()
> pygame.display.update()

> What it means????

Its a game using PyGame.
Have you read the PyGame tutorial?
If not I suggest you start there and then try asking questions
on the pyGame forum, because almost all the code is PyGame
specific rather than generic Python.

> Does this makes any sense to anyone? 

Sure, I'm sure a PyGame user would find it very straightforward.
You probably just need to do some research/reading.

But the big questions are:
- what is it supposed to do?
- What does it actually do?
- do you get any error messages? If so what?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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