[Tutor] python gui Tkinter

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jan 13 09:18:50 EST 2018

On 13/01/18 12:05, mamatha n wrote:
> please any one give me the code for

We don't write code for you (unless you want to pay
one of us as a contractor) But we can point you at
some examples:

> username (entryfld)-----
> pwrd (entryfld)----
> login(button),    changepwrd(button)

So far very basic Tkinter, any tutorial would cover it.
You could try mine at:


>  virtualkeyboard-----user has to be use dis keyboard

Thisis not a TKinter function its an OS feature. Tkinter will work with
whichever keyboard is present.

If you want to create your own vuirtual keyboard
using Tkinter then thats possible but quite a lot
of work. (More tedious than technically difficult

>  once click on login button regester page open

GUIs don't usually have the content of pages - unless you want a tabbed
notebook metaphor. If so look at the ttk module

But usually I'd expect a pop up dialog box to appear,
or for the login window to disappear ad a new main
window to appear. You need to clarify how it works.

> register page content 1.emply name(entryfld)
>                          2.emply id(entryfld),
>  3.mbil no(entryfld), 4. RFID(entryfld) ,   5.back (button),
> 6.clearbtn(button),  7. ok(button)

Since all you need are entry fields and buttons you should have no
problem putting it together with the help of any Tkinter tutorial.
You probably want to use the grid layout manager for this.

> please i need this code immediatly any one tell me please.

You will need to write it, if you get stuck feel free to ask,
but its all very basic and covered in any tutorial.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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