[Tutor] trouble using tkinter CheckButton

Chris Roy-Smith chris_roysmith at internode.on.net
Mon Jan 15 23:37:17 EST 2018


I'm a relative newcomer to object oriented programming.

Operating system Linux (ubuntu 17.10)

Python version 3.6

With the code below, when I click on the "list set & unset" button I get 
the following error. This code is my attempt at debugging a bigger 
program. I have broken things down to what I think is as simple as I can 

Thank you for looking at this,

Regards, Chris Roy-Smith

Error message:


chris at chris-X451MA:~/Scripts/python3/dvms$ ./debugString.py
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/tkinter/__init__.py", line 1702, in __call__
     return self.func(*args)
   File "./debugString.py", line 26, in <lambda>
     Button(cmember, text='list set & unset',command= lambda lines = x : 
SetFin(lines) ).grid(row=x, column=2)
   File "./debugString.py", line 7, in SetFin
     SetStatus[x] = var.get(x)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'get'


from tkinter import *

def SetFin(lines):
     SetStatus=[" " for i in range(lines)]
     for x in range(lines):
         SetStatus[x] = var.get(x)
         print (SetStatus(x))

master = Tk()

NameList=[(1, 'Vivian', 'Blackwell'), (2, 'Peter ', 'Bromell'), (3, 
'Nev', 'Casey'), (4, 'Claude', 'Chatwin'), (5, 'John ', 'Dennison'), (6, 
'Nicolene', 'Fairbrass'), (7, 'Paul', 'Fairbrass')] #in real situation 
this comes from a database and is of variable length
var=[IntVar() for x in range(8)]
for line in NameList:
     for field in line:
         Label(cmember, text=field).grid(row=x, column=y)
     #make checkbox
     cb=Checkbutton(cmember, text='set', variable=var[x]).grid(row=x, 
Button(cmember, text='list set & unset',command= lambda lines = x : 
SetFin(lines) ).grid(row=x, column=2)
Button(cmember, text='exit', command=cmember.destroy).grid(row=x, column=4)


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