[Tutor] doubt in a program

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 29 04:25:52 EST 2018

On 29/01/18 06:42, vinod bhaskaran wrote:

> newstring = ''
> oldstring = 'Newton'
> for char in oldstring:
>    newstring = char + newstring
> print(newstring)
> Could someone explain how it is traversing to get the string reversed?

print statements are your friend.
Add print statements everywhere that a variable changes value:

 newstring = ''
 oldstring = 'Newton'
 for char in oldstring:
    print ("char=",char)
    newstring = char + newstring

That will let you see how the newstring gets built
up inside the loop.

You could do the same thing using a paper and pen,
just walk through the code in your mind and write
down the values each time, like so:

char	newstring
e	e = N -> eN
w	w + eN -> weN

> As the new character is adding the char in the new string but how is it
> getting reversed without any line giving the char number to be traversed in
> reverse order.

As you will see if you do either of the suggested
exercises the addition always puts the latest char
at the front of the newstring.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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