[Tutor] unable to locate python on mac

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jan 31 14:44:07 EST 2018

On 31/01/18 17:42, Megan Zirger wrote:

> I am completely new to python and trying to learn how to set up and get going. 

I'm not a Mac expert but v2.7 is usually installed on a Mac by default
(although its just a basic version its fine for learning)

If you have downloaded v3.6 9the latest version) then it will say so at
the banner message that comes up when you run it.

AS to where it is located you can find that out at the Terminal OS
prompt by typing

$ which python3

However you should never need to modify it or do anything to it.

> I can’t find it anywhere in the applications

You probably won't see it in finder unless you navigate the file system.
It is not like a normal GUI style app.

>  able to work with sublime text. 

I think that's a text editor right?
Or is it more of an IDE? Can you run the code inside sublime?
Is that what you are trying to set up?

If that's the case you probably need to type in the path to the pyhon3
interpreter in Sublime's settings somewhere. Thats the same path you
got from 'which python3' above.

If you need more details you will need to ask more specific questions.
Bear in mind that although some folks here use Macs most of us don't.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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