[Tutor] Need all values from while loop - only receiving one

Daryl Heppner darylheppner at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 16:06:47 EDT 2018

Hi folks,

I'm trying to calculate the amount of rent per lease for the life of
the lease, by month.  The following code provides the correct results
except for the monthnum and billper.  Monthnum is intended to show the
month within the lease and the billper should list each date for rent

For example, if the lease commences May 1, 2018 for a 60 month term,
2018-05-01 is monthnum = 1 and the billper = 2018-05-01.  The
following 59 rows needs to increment the monthnum and billper values
by 1.

The while loop (below) returns the first value correctly but stops
without continuing through the rest of the True matches.

Code (see below for results):

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pyodbc
import dateutil.relativedelta as rd
import dateutil.parser as pr

tree = ET.parse('DealData.xml')
root = tree.getroot()

    for deal in root.findall("Deals"):
        for dl in deal.findall("Deal"):
            dealid = dl.get("DealID")
            for dts in dl.findall("DealTerms/DealTerm"):
                dtid = dts.get("ID")
                dstart = pr.parse(dts.find("CommencementDate").text)
                dterm = dts.find("LeaseTerm").text
                darea = dts.find("RentableArea").text
            for brrent in dts.findall("BaseRents/BaseRent"):
                brid = brrent.get("ID")
                begmo = int(brrent.find("BeginIn").text)
                if brrent.find("Duration").text is not None:
                    duration = int(brrent.find("Duration").text)
                    duration = 0
                brentamt = brrent.find("Rent").text
                brper = brrent.find("Period").text
                perst = dstart + rd.relativedelta(months=begmo-1)
                perend = perst + rd.relativedelta(months=duration-1)
                billmocount = begmo
                while billmocount < duration:
                    monthnum = billmocount
                    billmocount += 1
                billmo = perst
                while billmo < perend:
                    billper = billmo
                    billmo += rd.relativedelta(months=1)

                if dealid == "706880":
                    print(dealid, dtid, brid, begmo, dstart, dterm,
darea, brentamt, brper, duration, perst, perend, \
                    monthnum, billper)


706880 4278580 45937180 1 2018-01-01 00:00:00 60 6200 15.0 rsf/year 36
2018-01-01 00:00:00 2020-12-01 00:00:00 35 2020-11-01 00:00:00
706880 4278580 45937181 37 2018-01-01 00:00:00 60 6200 18.0 rsf/year
24 2021-01-01 00:00:00 2022-12-01 00:00:00 35 2022-11-01 00:00:00

Any help is appreciated!

Thank you,


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