[Tutor] C++ or Python?

Howard B howardbandy at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 13:06:21 EDT 2018

 Greetings --

Faster to do what?  Develop faster?  Run faster?  Debug faster?

In my experience, making the development and eventual debugging of programs
as easy and quick as possible is very important.  My experience and advice
has been to design a clear algorithm, then program it in as clear and
straightforward a manner as possible in a language that has good support.
Test the program for correctness.  After it works as hoped, test it for
speed.  Only then, and only if necessary, analyze, profile, and optimize
the code for speed.  Keep in mind that modifying the program to increase
speed will make it less clear and will probably make it more difficult to
maintain, even by its original programmer.

That said, Python is much easier to code and to debug than C++ (I have
considerable experience with both).  When necessary, identify the portions
of the program that are the bottleneck and optimize them in a step-by-step
manner -- most constricting bottleneck first, then reevaluate, etc.  That
optimization may be as simple as replacing Python routines with Cython

Best,  Howard (50 years in computing, including commercial programming
and university professor)

On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 9:26 AM Bellamy Baron <bellamybaron87 at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I have heard C++ is faster than python and I have a few questions
> 1.Is there a way to make python run just as fast
> 2.can I get in a serious game making team like 343 by using python
> 3. if C++ is better where can I get good 3d model libraries and libraries
> that make coding in C++ faster
> 4. Is there a way to transfer python files to C++
> Thanks
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bellamy
> https://www.iwyze.co.za/products/car-insurance
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